The visit (part 2)

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A 3 weeks later
Rose's POV

I forgot to inform you guys that my birthday passed 3 months ago and I am now 17, Leonardo and Fernando are 19 going to 20 years old.

Isn't this a crime?
I'm 17 and they are going to 20.

Well, I don't care, and it doesn't seem like the authorities care either. Maybe they are scared of Leonardo and Fernando, or don't know that I'm a teenager and they are grown adults.

If that's the case, then I will never tell anyone my real age, I'll say I'm 18. Thank goodness not a lot of people asked for my age in the past few years I've been living with them.

Yet, it's not like Leonardo and Fernando lied about my age when someone asked. They would literally tell people my actual age, knowing that it's illegal for them to be with me currently.

Fast forward to today:

Yeah, so I told Leonardo and Fernando that I wanted Ashley to come for a visit. It has been 3 years without seeing her face to face, and I missed her a lot.

Leonardo and Fernando denied immediately.

They didn't even give me a chance to explain why I wanted her to come over.

I begged and pleaded with them for weeks now, and they still won't agree.

"This is not fair,"

I said, crossing my arms to show how frustrated I was, while they were busy taking off their shirts and loosening their belts, getting prepared to enter the bed next to me.

"What's not fair?"

Fernando asked, like it was not obvious.

"I do what you guys want all the time, but you guys won't do what I want this one time."

"Life is unfair cupcake. We can do something else, anything else but not that."

Leonardo said, then flipped the light switch, leaving the room pitch black.

They walked to the bed and climbed in next to me.

They tried to cuddle me like they did every night, but I pushed their arms off me.


Leonardo sounded frustrated.

I didn't even look at them and still had my arms crossed, laying on my back, staring at the roof, on the bed.

"Are you really gonna act like this just because we don't want your friend around?"

Fernando asked, and I didn't say a word and kept my eyes to the roof, refusing to look at them.

"Ok then, good night,"

Fernando said, and they both turned away from me.


Either way, I still had more tricks up my sleeve if the silent treatment didn't work, I was going to irritate them until they agreed.

I heard Leonardo groan in frustration after a minute, and Fernando did the same.

"FINE, your friend can come but only for a week,"

Leonardo said, and I smiled to myself.

I knew it would work. There was no way that the silent treatment wouldn't work on these two softies.

I tilted myself and faced Fernando, grabbed his arm and placed it around my waist, then turned to Leonardo and did the same thing.
I grabbed Fernando's arm and placed around my waist, then turned to face Leonardo and did the same to Leonardo.

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