With you

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Rose's POV:

I woke up in the middle of the night, feeling something raising up from my stomach to my mouth.

Gosh, I was about to harl. I covered my mouth quickly, bounced off the bed, and ran to the bathroom.

Within a minute of me vomiting out my organs, I felt a hand rub my back gently, and another two hands grabbed some of my hair and held it back.

"Let it all out."

I turned my head and saw Fernando seated right next to me and Leonardo standing, holding my hair back on the other side.

I wanted to say something but didn't get the chance to since my stomach was battling with me currently.

Gosh, I don't know how long I had my face in the toilet, but I was there for a long time.

When I finally felt OK, I stayed on the bathroom floor with my head leaned against Leonardo and Fernando, who were sitting behind me side to side, and shut my eyes.

Leonardo stroked my hair back as Fernando grabbed hold of my hand.

"Why's my life so trashy?"

"Well, at least you have people who love you."

Fernando spoke.

"Yeah, God and Jesus are the best."

I said with a weak smile.

"You know what he meant."

Leonardo said, and I tilted my head towards his direction.

"I'm tired."

"You want me to carry you to your room?"

Leonardo asked.

"If you'll be there."

I said, then opened my eyes and grinned at him.

"Ok then."

He stood up and lifted me up, cupping me inside his arms.

Fernando stood up after us, and we walked back to the bed that I was on before running to the bathroom.

Leonardo placed me gently on the bed, kissed my forehead, and made his way to the door with Fernando following behind.

"Where are you going?"

I asked, in a seated position looking at them, and they looked over their shoulders at me.

"You guys can't leave me alone. Come over here."

I said, and they slowly walked back and climbed into the bed.

They laid a distance away from me, and I stared at the roof, feeling slightly frustrated.

"Do I smell?"

"What? No,"

Leonardo answered.

"Then why don't you want to come near me?"

I asked, and they scotched closer towards me.

"Yeah, this is nice."

I said as I grabbed hold of their arms and placed them over me.

I woke up with my head thubing. It felt like my brain was beating out of my skull, and it hurt so bad.

I tried to move, but I realized that there was something restricting me from doing so.

I opened my eyes and saw a white shirt in front of me, and my arms were pressed against what felt like a bumpy soft wall.

I looked up and saw that the thing I was pressed against was Fernando.

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