The Maid (PART TWO)

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A week later
Rose's POV:

I got a message from Leonardo saying that he wants me at their house by 07:00a.m. just for today, so I had to wake up early that morning, like I was going to school and I reached their house 5 minutes late.

After all the hard work I had to do waking up just to reach their place late.

I entered the mansion.

"Fernando was right. You are always late,"

I heard Leonardo's voice and saw him on the couch.

"Hey, I'm just 5 minutes late. That's an improvement,"

I said.

He stood up from his seat and walked towards me but stopped a few centimeters away from me.

There were two little people standing behind him peeking at me.

"Who are those little cuties?"

I asked.

"These are the kids you have to look after,Sindy and Mike,"

He said and pushed them both in front of him.

One was a girl and she looked a bit older than the boy.

They both were gingers.By that, I mean they had redish-orange hair.

The girl had light blue eyes and the boy had green eyes, they looked so cute.

"Sindy, Mike, I want you to be good kids. If she complains about you guys, you will be punished. Understand?"

The kids nodded.

"Hey, don't be so harsh to the kids,"

I complained, and Leonardo walked towards me, leaned over, and whispered softly in my ear.

"Are you not supposed to be wearing your uniform? You looked very adorable on the phone."

He said.

"Fernando didn't..."

"He did. He showed me the picture of you wearing it, and now I want to see it myself."

He smirked, and I hit my face.

"There are kids here. There is no way I am wearing that now,"

I whispered back to him while looking at the kids behind him, and he, too, looked back.

"So later then?"

He raised an eyebrow.

"I'll think about it,"

I said and smiled at him, and then he kissed my cheek.

"Fernando and I will come back before you leave this time."

He said.


The kids said, and Leonardo walked out of the house.

"Hi guys,"

I greeted the kids, and they didn't say a word.


"How old are you?"

I asked, and still no reply they were just staring at me like I was a crazy person.

"Ok then, your silence means that you guys don't want the ice cream that's in the fridge."

I said, basically bribing them while going into the kitchen.

"You are not allowed to take that. it's not yours,"

Sindy finally spoke and crossed her arms.


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