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A week later
Rose's POV

I went looking for Leonardo around the house because I was lonely and Fernando went somewhere that day.

I found him in the gym and decided to join him.

I first ran quickly back to my room and wore sports shorts and a black crop top before returning to the gym where Leonardo was.
(Authors note: I suggest reading this part with the song "Love is Wick," by Brick and Lace)
"Hi cupcake"

He said, lifting weights, and I could see his veins pop out. It was so hot.

I froze in my tracks and just watched him lift his weights up and down, which, for some reason, was very entertaining.

"So, did you just come here to stare at me or what?"

Leonardo asked, and I woke up from my trance and looked away for a second to cool myself down.

"No, I am here to join you,"

I said, looking back at him.

"Then are you going to enter the room or not?"

He asked, and I walked into the room.

He layed down on the carpet that was on the floor.

"Can you hold my feet down ?"

"I hope your feet don't smell."

I said jokingly, and he chuckled.

I went on my knees and placed my hands softly on his feet.

He started doing crunches and when I was not focused, he kissed me, REPEATEDLY.

I was blushing insanely while he carried on doing crunches, and each time he came up, he kissed me.

I don't know why I still react like this. They kiss me almost every day, and I still keep on blushing.

He finally stopped, and we got up.

"So, can you fight cupcake."

he asked, looking down at me.

"Well, yes, I can fight when I want to,"

I said confidently.

"Ok then, attack me,"

he said in a cocky tone while backing up a bit, and it didn't look like he was going to defend himself.

I bent down very quickly and tripped him using my leg, then stood back up.

He fell on the floor and grunted when he hit his back on the floor.

His eyes were tightly closed.

I fell on top of him using my arms to hold me up to not actually fall on him.

"Are you ok? I didn't break you, did I?"

I asked, looking down at him, and he blinked twice at me.

"Break me?"

"Like your bones, no bones are broken, right?"

I asked, feeling worried, and he smirked, then wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer to him. I thought he was trying to cuddle me, but no, he had different intentions.

He all of a sudden span, giving me no time to react, and now he was on top of me.

I stared at him.

"I am always on top, cupcake,"

He said, grinning at me, and I was too shocked to say a word. I was still processing how I ended up on the floor.

Leonardo's body was against mine, his arms balancing him up to not actually lay on me.

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