The visit

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A week later
Rose's POV

It was late at nights, 10pm when my phone rang, it was on the night stand next to Leonardo. It rang for a while when Fernando grunted and I got frustrated. I stretched my arm out to get it and looked at the phone to see that it was my brother.

Why was he calling so late?

I answered the call.

"Hi Sisi"

I heard his high pitched voice.


I said, trying to hide my frustration.

"Why are you calling so late? like I was in the middle of a dream"

I said and heard him laugh through the phone.

"No you see..."

He didn't complete his sentence when I heard my father's voice and all the energy seemed to drain from my body.

"Hi Rose"

I heard my father say and a scoffed.

"Give the phone back to my brother"

I demanded.

"You don't even greet, how disrespectful"

"Hi, give the phone back to my brother"

I said.

"Are you holding grudges now?"

He questioned and I basically rolled my eyes at the phone.

"What do you want?"

"Well if you are offering to..."

"Ahhhh Rose, it's too early for stress"

I heard Leonardo say.

"Yeah I know"

"Who's that?"

My dad asked and I realised that he had heard Leonardo.

I couldn't speak because Leonardo grabbed the phone out of my hand.

"You are disturbing Rose, call later"

He said and hang up the call, then put it back on the night stand.

"Was that necessary?"

I asked sarcastically.

"Yes it was, now go back to sleep"

He said wrapping his arms around me.

It was early at the morning, 07:00am when they called back.

I answered the call and waited for someone to greet.


I heard my father say and I really wished that I hadn't answered the call.

"What do you want?"

"Again, you don't greet, what's your problem? Have you really lost all your manners?"

He said angrily.

"I don't find it necessary to greet you and unfortunately you are my problem"

I replied and I could feel how angry his anger through the phone somehow.

"Is that Rose?"

I heard a whisper from the phone.


"Hi Rosie"

I heard my mum's voice.

"Hi mum"

I said happily.

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