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Rose's POV
Two months later

As you know, I did forgive Leonardo about that incident. It was a mistake after all, and he wasn't in his right mind.

I'm in the car currently. Driving back home with Leonardo sitting in the front passenger seat and Fernando at the back.

We were heading home, coming from one of their friend's house, Zake's house to be exact.

They had drank so much that they could barely walk, and I wasn't gonna risk sleeping at Zake's house. His a very suspicious person, and I don't trust him.

So here I am, driving in a dark,  empty highway. I never knew highways were ever empty, but here I was.

I have been driving for basically 2 hours and still had to drive for 30 more minutes.

My eyes were being forced open when I heard police sirens.

Two police cars were behind me. They have been following me for about an hour now.

I wonder what the problem is. I wasn't speeding, I didn't drive through a red light, and I have no tickets to pay off.

The police cars did not wait for me to pull over. Instead, they drove in front of me and hit the breaks, forcing me to stop.

What was going on?

Four men, who did not look like police officers and were not dressed like police officers, got out of the car.

One of them was holding a baseball bat.


One shouted, and my heart started beating.

There was no use of me staying in the car, so I did as they said. I unbuckled my seat belt and got out of the car. I stood beside the car, and the guy with the bat pointed it at me.

"Move from the car,"

He instructed, and I just stood there.

These guys were not police officers. They must be after Leonardo and Fernando.


He shouted. I looked inside the car, where I saw Leonardo and Fernando sleeping, fast asleep.

I had the car keys in my hand. I never exit the car without them, and I locked the car from outside before shoving the keys in my back tight jean's pocket.

"To get them, you will have to go through me first,"

I said, standing firmly on my feet.

"This will be easy."

One of them said, and they all chuckled before charging towards me. They really think that they will get through me easily.

I, too, without thinking, charged at them.

Was I going to survive against four men who might be armed?

Well, I had nothing but God and Jesus by my side, so there is a chance of me surviving.

But I didn't care if I would end up dead, as long as Leonardo and Fernando were safe. They were all I had in my mind currently.

Well, the battle began.

I punched, slapped, tripped, yelled, scratched, jumped, kicked, bit, gulped, gasped, and all of those things.

I got hit with a bat in my stomach, arm, and legs,  punched in the face, picked up and thrown to the ground, but I didn't give up.

My vision was coming and going, I was bleeding from my head and other places.

Two were unconscious, one beside the car where I banged his head against the car as hard as I possibly could, the other on the ground due to me getting hold of the bat and hitting his head hard with it.

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