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Rose's POV

I was walking towards Leonardo and Fernando early in the morning, and when I reached them, they started complaining about how cold it was.

I was forced to hear their complains and took out the R30, which was my lunch money, and bought 2 cups of hot chocolate.

"Rose, you didn't have to do that,"

Fernando said when I handed him and Leonardo their cup of hot chocolate.

"Well, you guys complain too much, so I did."

"But that was your lunch money,"

Leonardo said.

"Guess I'm starving myself today,"

I joked, but Leonardo and Fernando didn't seem amused.

"Guys, I'm joking. It's not a big deal,"

I said

"Well, it is a big deal to us,"

Leonardo said.

"Come on, it's not that bad,"

I said, and it looked like they wanted to disagree with me but kept quiet.

They shared they hot chocolate with me even though I denied it several times, they forced me to.
Even though I told Leonardo and Fernando after school before I left that my friends shared their lunch with me, they still seemed unsatisfied by that information.

But what were they gonna do?

That afternoon I went to a mall called Clearwater with my mum, she wanted to buy groceries and said that there was no way she could leave me in the car alone, and either way my little brother wanted to go with my mum and just also couldn't leave me in the car. So now we were walking to a grocery store called Pick&Pay.

When I saw two people that made my stomach flip upside down, that made my brain go blank in shock, that made... There are so many ways I can describe how I felt but you should get it by now.

Leonardo and Fernando the last people on earth that I was expecting to see are in the exact mall that I am in and they were coming out of the store that we were about to enter but it seems like they bought nothing.

They were wearing their black suits with masks again and were walking towards us, I really wanted a lighting bolt to shoot me right there and then but unfortunately, because of the absence of a miracle, they stood infront of us, looking as handsome as always.

"Afternoon ma'am,"

Fernando said so respectfully to my mum but yet was intimidating.

he glanced at me for a second then back at my mum.

"Afternoon"my mum replied and I just stood there speechless while Leonardo stared intensely at me.

"We were wondering if we could take Rose for a shopping spree?"

Leonardo asked looking at my mum and I immediately realised what this was all about.

They were doing the most just because I bought them hot chocolate, but how did they know I was at Clearwater, very suspicious.

"Sure I think she would like that, right Rose?"

my mum asked  and I was still speechless, I was just looking at Leonardo then at Fernando, they looked so handsome in their suits.

"Rose would you like to go on a shopping spree with us?"

Fernando asked in a less intimidating voice, then I immediately wake up from my trance and looked him in the eyes, while he was looking down at me.

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