Scary Movie

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Rose's POV:

It was two weeks before Christmas and I was so excited.

I "BORROWED" and but that I mean took one off Leonardo and Fernando's black debt card and went shopping for two perfect gifts, just for them.

It took me a long time but I found a person who could make me that perfect gift but it would take "two days to make" he said.

I didn't mind I could wait.

Fast forward:

The bodyguard drove me back home and I saw Leonardo and Fernando waiting for me on the couch.

"Where have you been"

Fernando asked in a threatening and intimidating tone, how did they know it was me, they were busy on their phones, not even looking in my direction.

"I can't say"

I said confidently trying to hide my smile.

Leonardo death glared at the guard and the guard was about to tell him where he took me when I just interrupted him.

"He also won't tell you"

I said and Leonardo looked at me.

Fernando stood up and walked towards me, the sound of his footsteps hitting the ground kind of scared me and the way he looked at me while walking towards me made me flinch but I just stared at him.

For some reason he seemed to be walking in slow motion in my head, he looked more handsome then scary.

He bent over slightly to look deep into my eyes and I held my breath.

"You are not allowed to leave without informing us from now on"

he threatened me, his voice sounded deeper then usually which made my skin crawl.

He was so close to me that the smell of his minty breath stung my eyes.

"You guys know that I love you, right?"

I said in a sweet voice.

"Or am I just not trusted now?"

"We just don't want anyone taking you away from us"

Fernando said and I saw Leonardo still glaring at the guard like he was about to kill him.

"No one will be able to steal me away from you guys and Leonardo leave the poor guard alone"

I said looking at Leonardo and he looked back at me.

"I will do as you guys command if you two watch a movie with me"

I said trying eazy out of the situation and Leonardo agreed.

"We are choosing the movie and we will watch it in the evening"

Fernando said.

"Sure why not"

I said then Leonardo looked back at his phone and Fernando walked towards the couch and I followed him.

"Don't you guys want to massage my feet"

I said jokingly taking off my shoes.

They both looked at me, they looked hesitate but then Fernando grabbed one of my feet and Leonardo took the other. I didn't think that they would really massage my feet, but they did.

I didn't want to stand up anymore it felt so nice, I was really being treated like a princess here.

I can't believe they put down their phones just to massage my feet gently not violently.

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