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Rose's POV:

I woke up today and got a message from my manager, which said I should not come to work today. The message specifically read:

"Rose, stay home today. I'm not firing you, I just want you to get your things together."

I felt guilty, but mostly was relieved.

I hadn't gone with Aliandro to work today, I had some cleaning up to do. My place was a mess.

In the middle of my cleaning session, my phone rang.

I picked up the phone from where it lay and stared at the callers name for a long time.

Faith? How?

I don't remember ever asking her for her numbers, but her name was on my contacts.

I answered the call.


"Think again."

I sighed. It was Fernando.

"I'm hanging up."

I said and was about to.


I stopped in my tracks.

"Can I ask something from you?"

He said.

"And what makes you think I'll do it?"

I asked.

"Rose... Please."

I let out a sigh.

"What do you want?"

"Can you please meet up with me and Leonardo?"

"WHAT!?, WHY?!"

"Cause we want to talk to you."

He replied.


"Rose, please."

He begged.

"Fine, send me the location of where you want to meet up."

"You coming?"

He asked, sounding thrilled.

"Send the location, Fernando."

"Oh, right, I'm sending it now."

He said, and I hung up the call.

He sent me the location almost immediately after I hung up, but I had things to do, so he and Leonardo would have to wait.

When I had finished all the things I had to do, I washed up and wore something decent before leaving the house.

All of this took about 2 hours.

Then I had to call an Uber to drive me to the place where I would meet them, and it took about 15 minutes to get there.

The total amount of time they waited was 2 hours and 15 minutes.

The Uber driver parked his car in front of what seemed to be a café.

I entered and looked around till I saw Leonardo and Fernando, seated right at the back of the café.

When they caught sight of me, they stood up from their seats and waved at me with big smiles imprinted on their faces.

I walked up to them and sat in a seat, which faced both of them.

"We thought you weren't coming."

Leonardo stated out.

"I too thought I wasn't coming, but here I am."

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