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2 weeks later
Rose's POV

So yeah, that touchy touchy drama kind of ended. They are still touching me, but its not as physical anymore.I still do think about what they did that day, tho.

Do you know how hard it was to hide those marks they gave me from my parents, especially my dad?

That is exactly what I said to them, and that's why they stopped.

Fast forward to today:

While I was walking with my friends, a girl walked up to me.

"Hi there,"

She greeted me for some reason


I greeted back in a questioning tone.

"Yeah, so, I see that you and the new boys are friends, so I was wondering if you could hook me up with one of them."

She said so confidently.

"Um... Sure, I won't mind. "

I said not exactly, knowing how to reply to what she asked me.

"Can we now go to class?"

Felicia asked, looking and sounding frustrated while pulling my arm roughly.

"No, wait, there he is."

She said, pointing behind me. It was Leonardo she wanted.

"Can you come with me and tell him that I like him?"

She asked, then grabbed and pulled my hand without even giving me the chance to reply and speed walked towards Leonardo.

She placed me in front of him and he stopped walking.

"Hi cupcake, is everything ok?"

He asked, looking at the girl, then back at me.

"Yeah, everything is fine."

"ok, so what do you need?"

He asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Um, this girl next to me says that she likes you,"

I said, feeling very awkward while the girl acted shy and avoided eye contact with Leonardo.


Leonardo sounded a bit uninterested and looked back at the girl who was now sneaking glances of Leonardo.

Could someone save me from this awkward situation put myself in.

"That's unfortunate..."

He stopped speaking for a moment. Oh, my heart stung for the girl next to me.

"Sorry, but I already have someone else in mind who's not you,"

He said harshly, gave the girl an awkward smile that vanished like after a second, and then looked at me.

Oh, my heart felt like it just got stabbed, I would have been so embarrassed if I was in her shoes.

"Guess I will see you later, cupcake."

He said, changing the subject, like the girl was not even next to me.

"Love you."

He said, adding salt onto the girls wound and entered the class.

" yeah."

"Why didn't you tell me that you were dating him?"

She asked.
This dude was now making me look  like a bad person.

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