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A week later
Rose's POV:

Leonardo and Fernando were everywhere, and I mean EVERYWHERE.

I walk to class. They are there.
I drink water, they are there.
I talk to my friends, guess what? They were there.

I now even think that they have started stalking me.

That actually got obvious after I saw them staring at me through the window of the classroom I was in.

What else was I supposed to think and like... how did they even know where I sat and that I was there at that specific time?

When I saw them outside the girls' bathroom when I exited, leaning against the wall, I was certain that they were stalking me.

"GUYS, WHAT'S GOING ON? just because I agreed on being your girlfriend doesn't mean you should follow me around."

I said, irritated.

"No, we are not following you. It was just a coincidence that we chose to lean on this wall."

Leonardo said, patting the wall sarcastically.

I gave him a questioning look, and it went silent for a second while I was trying to think about what to say after that. Leonardo just grinned at me, knowing that I couldn't reply.

"Are we not allowed to be around our girlfriend?"

Fernando asked.


I said, punching his arm playfully.

"No, it's ok, we will try not to make this type of coincidence happen again."

Leonardo said, and they both left. While I just stood there, flabbergasted in how easy it was to get through to them.

I don't think they even tried to keep their word, though, because a few minutes after I confronted them, I started having these strange feels like someone was watching me, but when I looked around, there was no one staring. very suspicious.

This doesn't usually happen. It might happen to Felicia or Liz or Ashley, but not me.

That's how I knew it was Leonardo and Fernando. They are not very good at stalking or spying.
Fast forward:

"Look, there is the girl who steals peoples men,"

A boy said loudly, pointing in my direction when I entered the classroom.

"What do you mean?"

I asked, confused.

"Don't act so innocent, you know what you did,"

A girl sitting next to Felicia said.

"No, I really don't know what you are talking about."

"You betrayed your own friend and stole her men, you disgust me, no you disgust all of us."

Another girl said, and the whole class agreed except for Ashley. She also seemed to not know what was going on, but Felicia had a smirk on her face. This must have been her doing.


Ashley tried to defend me.

"Ashley, don't put yourself into this. Or else."

Some other boy said.

I wanted to leave the class but I couldn't so I took my seat and bared all the insults.

The teacher came in shortly after, and everyone stopped speaking. They were all scared of getting into trouble.

A few minutes later, while I was trying to write down the work that the teacher had written down on the board, my classmates were busy throwing paper balls at me, kicking my desk and chair, whispering mean things to me when they were passing my desk but made sure that the teacher didn't see a thing.

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