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A week later
Rose's POV

Ok, so I forgot about that ball that I will never be attending ever again and was now talking to a guy at Leonardo and Fernando's mafia.

He was actually pretty cool and didn't seem to like me because of Leonardo and Fernando.

His name is Lucas, and apparently, he is new to the mafia, so he did not know who I was.

He had blond short hair with green eyes.

AKA, the perfect . my opinion, and he looked like he was 17 or 18, still a teen.

I think Leonardo and Fernando were older than him by a year or two if his 17.

He was 1 of 35 guys who did not look scary in this mafia.

To answer a question that you should be asking. Yes, I did count all of the guys who did not look scary in this mafia.

Anyway, while Lucas and I were talking, Leonardo came out of nowhere and interrupted our conversation.

"Rose, I..."

He stopped talking when he saw Lucas and I together.

"Are you not one of the new guys?"

He asked, which sounded almost like a threat while scanning Lucas with his eyes.

Lucas nodded with his eyes closed and tried not to make eye contact with Leonardo, which seemed to disgust Leonardo even more.

"And on your first day, you decide to flirt with my woman,"

He added, walking closer to Lucas while Lucas took steps back.

I went in between them, facing Leonardo.

"Calm down, he didn't do anything wrong, I'm the one who struck up a conversation with him."

I tried to defend Lucas, yet I don't think I looked serious since l was smiling.

I was just happy to see that he still cares about me after all these years, unlike the way Zain thought about his wife.

Leonardo pulled me closer.

"Hope you not falling for this guy,"

He whispered in my ear.

"That will never happen with you and Fernando around. Plus, you guys are way hotter than he will ever be."

He chuckled, seemingly satisfied by my response, and let me go before walking back to wherever he came from.

Lucas and I kept on talking after that.

"Sorry about him,"

I apologised for Leonardo's behavior.

"Is that Leonardo?"

He asked, and I nodded.

"His cute."

He said all of a sudden, leaving me without words for a second.

"Yeah... I know. "

I replied, and luckily, Fernando called me at that very moment and saved me from that awkward situation.

I went to the room that he was in and just couldn't stop thinking about what Lucas said.

'His cute'

Why would he say that? And the way he said it was weird.

I convinced myself that it was nothing and stopped thinking about it eventually.

I carried on talking to Lucas as usual and even got his phone numbers.

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