Second day

112 7 0

Rose's POV

Leonardo and Fernando spent the whole day with me. They didn't even look down at their phones once, which doesn't happen often.

We played with water guns outside, ate these other long hotdogs, and played pranks on the bodyguards. It was so much fun.


I was sleeping when I felt someone's hand slowly move from my waist going up to my neck, I thought that it was Fernando and his overprotective self but then the hand covered my mouth and my nose and the force intensified making me unable to breathe.

This was not Fernando. I was being suffocated.

I started overreacting and trying to think about what to do.

Somehow, I was able to open my mouth and bite a part of his palm.

"Ah, Fuck."

The voice was squeaky, and familiar yet I was focused on escaping, not on finding out who the person is.

I quickly tried to get off the bed before the guy could grab hold of me again.

"Come back here, you little brat."

The person grabbed my leg, causing me to fall off the bed on my arm.

I grunted in pain, and the person climbed on top of me and gripped onto my hair.

I opened my eyes.


The person attacking me was none other than Marcus, one of our bodyguards.

"No hard feelings,right Rose?"

He asked with a grin.

I wrestled him on the ground, punching and kicking him.

Spinning and twisting around on the floor until he lost his grip on my hair.

I then remembered that Fernando kept a gun hidden somewhere in the room.

The first place I looked was under his pillow, and guess what, I found it.

I pulled it from under the pillow and turned around to face Marcus, pointing the gun at him.

He, too, took his gun quickly out of his pocket and aimed it at my head.

My hands were shaking.

"Marcus, why are you doing this?"

I asked, knowing that I had no guts to shoot him.

"Boss's orders."

He again grinned at me, and I stared at him blankly.

Leonardo and Fernando would never order someone to kill me. Right?

They had no reason.

"Goodbye Ro..."

"Drop your weapon."

I heard Fernando's voice and saw him pointing his gun at him.

Marcus went pale and dropped the gun, then raised his hands up to his head.

I felt so glad to see Fernando and Leonardo.

I still had hold of the gun, still aimed at Marcus.

"Sirs, your girlfriend started freaking out when you left. I had come in to check on her, and that's when she pointed the gun at me. "

Murcus lied, maybe forgetting that I was in the room. My blood was boiling and I felt more encouraged to kill him.


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