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Two days later
Rose's POV

My brother was still resistant, he did not even want me around yet he had come to visit me, not the other way around. I have thought of just dropping him off at the airport and leaving him there but I would never do that, I wouldn't give up on him that easily.

I bought him the PlayStation 5, bought expensive sneakers and other things that he demanded for.

I would have never been able to buy all of these things if it wasn't for Leonardo and Fernando giving me their credit card.

Imagine if my men were not rich I wouldn't even be living with them right now because they wouldn't have been able to buy me.

My brother looked happy when he got all these fancy things but still did not want to talk unless if he needed something.

I think I should maybe not try buying his love.

"I want a TV"

He demanded while I was busy on my phone and I looked up at him.

"Why? I don't remember you needing it"

I said and he started throwing a tantrum.


He commanded and and I sighed.



"And I said no"

I said calmly, looking back at my phone, ignoring the fact that I was just call a dog and he stormed off to his room, looking like he would blow a fuse.

After that, he only came out of his room to ask for water or a snack from the maids, meaning he was basically in his room for the whole day.

I guess I win this round but will I be able to win the next. guess I will have to wait for tomorrow.

The next day

My brother was causing havoc all around the house.

He first pour out a whole 2 bottles full of oil on the floor near my bedroom door when Leonardo and Fernando were not around, like oil was cheap and fall from trees.

He wanted me to slip when I walked exited the room but it had gone as planned.

One of the maids had slipped when she tried to enter my room to get the laundry basket. I ran to help her up when I saw the oil on the floor and almost slipped while trying to help the maid but didn't.

I guess he had seen that his plan did not work so then decided to make me tea atleast I thought it was tea.

He walked up to me acting all kind and caring but I was already full after the breakfast Leonardo and Fernando had made for me.

At that time, I didn't want to hurt his little heart so I acted like I drank it and smiled after that saying it's a good cup of tea.

He looked shocked and snatched the cup out of my hands then took a small sip.

His face afterwards made me explode with laughter as he ran covering his mouth.

Well now I know that he put something in the drink but I will never know what it was.

That plan also did not work so the next day he decided to break plates and glasses in the kitchen then blamed it all on me to Leonardo and Fernando.

That also did not work because they didn't care.

they literally laughed at me saying they can't get nice plates because I will end up breaking them.


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