The Confession

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Rose's POV:

Leonardo and Fernando came home late and found me waiting for them on the couch.

Ashley and Felicia had gone to sleep by this time, and I was refusing to get some rest without seeing Leonardo and Fernando enter the main door.

Ashley wanted me to wait for "whoever" I was waiting for in her room.

As you know, I didn't tell her nor Felicia that this is Leonardo and Fernando's house, and they still don't know.

She didn't want me to stay alone downstairs on the couch, but I convinced her to go up to her room and get so rest.

Leonardo and Fernando came home at 11 pm.

"You are still awake,"

I heard Fernando's voice and looked up at the main door to see him and Leonardo enter the main door.

"Of course I am. There was no way I was going to sleep without you guys being at home,"

I said, feeling really sleepy.

"Aww, you were worried about us."

Leonardo said childishly, and it looked like his pupils enlarged a bit.

"NO I WASN'T, I just wanted to see you guys walk through that door,"

I said.

"Oh, so we look good when we enter the house?"

Fernando asked sarcastically, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, yes, you do,"

I said, grinning at them, and they both gave me a questioning look.

"Let's just go to sleep. I am exhausted,"

I said, getting off the couch.

"You look exhausted as well,"

Fernando said.

"Oh, I didn't realize that, Sherlock,"

I said sarcastically and punched Fernando's arm playfully.

"Were you really that worried, though?"

Leonardo asked, and I didn't reply, I just wanted to hide my face. Why couldn't I just go to sleep.


He said with baby eyes, and I couldn't help but laugh at him.
The next day

Leonardo and Fernando went to work early today, and I found my breakfast on the night stand next to me, as usual.

I don't think Felicia nor Ashley saw Leonardo and Fernando which is a good thing, I don't want them to see each other, but I think they will see each other today when Leonardo and Fernando come back from work today.

It got late, like 5 pm, 2 hours left before Leonardo and Fernando came back home from work.

We were all sitting in Ashley's room, talking about something that did not matter when Felicia said that she had to go and do her skin routines.

So that's how her skin was lighter than mine.

She excused herself and left me in the room with Ashley.

We talked and laughed together for an hour or so when Ashley suddenly got serious.

"Rose, can I tell you something?"

"Sure, what is it?"

I replied.

"You promise not to hate me after this?"

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