Found Out

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Rose's POV:

Clinton came back on the 12 of January, and he seemed to be in a good mood, greeting the maids, the guards and etc, but when he saw me, his mood changed immediately.

"She's still here?"

Clinton asked and looked me up and down in disgust.

"Yes, she is. Do you have a problem with that?"

Leonardo asked threateningly, and he didn't ater another word after that.

"Princesa, we are leaving, and we will be back at 7:00 p.m. on the dot."

Fernando informed me, and I instantly felt fear enter my sense organs.

I have to stay in the house the whole day . With Clinton. Well, today might be the day I die.

I tried so hard not to let the fear show as Fernando scanned me with his eyes.

Leonardo leaned over at that very moment and kissed my cheek. Fernando did the same after his suspicions seemed to fade away. At least, I think he was suspicious.

Then they walked away, leaving me feeling anxious while Clinton gave me a devilish grin.


I forced a smile, and Leonardo turned back and winked at me while Fernando just glanced back at me for a second.

"Unfortunately, they don't,"

Clinton whispered loud enough for me to hear when they exited the house.

I didn't dare look him in the eye or give him a reaction that he seemed to be looking for. He clicked his tongue before walking around me, going towards the staircase.

"I am going up to my room,"

He said.

"Like I care."

"What did you say?"

He stopped in his tracks on the stairs and looked over his shoulder at me.

Damn, did I just say that out loud?


I forced a smile, not like he could even see it since I still hadn't turned my head to look at him.

I then heard his footsteps carry on their tracks up the stairs. I breathed out a sigh of relief when I felt safe.


I heard and turned around to see one of the maids holding a mop.

"Take the mop and go clean all the rooms,"

She demanded, with an evil grin on her face.

So it's back to me cleaning all the rooms by myself, I guess.

I walked towards her, and when I had stretched my arm out to take the mop, I heard someone speak loudly.


This familiar voice shook the whole house, and when I turned around, I saw Fernando walking towards us.

He sounded so offended like the lady had told him to grab the mop.

Each step he took echoed across the whole house. It was kind of scary, like a serial killer was walking towards us.

The maid flinched a bit and stumbled a few steps back.


He sounded angry and stood in front of me, blocking me from her.

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