The leave

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A few days later
Rose's POV:

Leonardo did start coming to school on Thursday and I was so happy to see him, I really missed his cuteness.

"Where have you been?"

I asked while running towards him to give him a bear hug.

"Didn't Fernando tell you, I was not feeling well"

He said while hugging me back.

"And Fernando told me that you gave him a nickname now, that's not fair"

he said childishly.

I pulled back from Leonardo and looked at Fernando, he looked like his mind was not even here, he was day dreaming.


I said waving my hand in his face.


he said so harshly.

"Is something wrong?"

I asked in a concern tone.

"Sorry um, I need to go"

Fernando said and walked away from me, just like that.

"What's wrong?"I asked Leonardo.

"His stressed"

"Stressed about what?"

I asked.

"We are leaving next week and his not taking it well"Leonardo said.

"You guys are leaving"I said in a defeated low tone.

"Yeah, we wanted to tell you tomorrow"Leonardo said.

"Are you guys moving schools or...".

"No, we are going back home to Italy" Leonardo said.

"I'm sorry Rose, you should have known earlier, we should have told you earlier"

Leonardo added and pulled me close to him.

I couldn't believe this, they made me fall in love with them just to leave me.
I was too speechless and heartbroken to keep on talking.

Why didn't they tell me that they were gonna leave before I fell in love with them, why do they only tell me now.

My friends, Liz and Ashley kept on trying to talk to me but I kept the conversations short, I didn't feel like talk to anyone.

During break time, I bumped my arm onto someone else's and carried on walking without looking back or apologizing even though it was a mistake, I just didn't have the energy, I wasn't in the mood.

That person put a hand on my shoulder and shoved me, forcing me to look at them.

"You didn't even apologize, how disrespectful"

I heard Fernando say sarcastically.

I looked up at him, unamused and his smiled vanished.

He grabbed my arm when I tried to walk away from him.

"Leave me alone Fernando"

I turning back violently and looked into his eyes, his light blue eyes.

"Leonardo told you, didn't he?"

He letting go of my arm.


I shouted.

Tears going down my cheeks while punching his chest and he did nothing but stand there.

"You guys just wanted to me break my heart like the rest"

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