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Rose's POV:

It was Christmas Eve and I hid Leonardo and Fernando's present in my old bed room and we were sitting on the bed.

"So are you guys excited for tomorrow"

I asked with a big smile on my face.

"what's happening tomorrow?"

Fernando said looking confused.

"You are joking right, TOMORROW IS CHRISTMAS!"

I said very loudly in shock, how did they not know what tomorrow was.

"You get excited for Christmas?"

Leonardo asked with one of his eyebrows raised.

"Well, yes who wouldn't?"

I asked in a high pitched tone.

"We stopped celebrating Christmas a long time ago"

Fernando said.

"Well you are celebrating it THIS YEAR"

I said happily, they looked at me and I opened my eyes widely almost begging them to celebrate Christmas.

"Stop doing that"

Leonardo demanded looking away from me.

"Fine we will celebrate Christmas, NOW STOP"

Fernando said and I shriek with excitement.

It was at night and I was fast asleep but realised that they were no arms around me.

When I moved my arms around, I felt that Leonardo and Fernando were not around me.

I sat up and looked around, there were not in the room but the door to the balcony was open.

I slowly walked out and saw Leonardo and Fernando smoking while looking up at the moon.

"You guys, smoke"

I said walking towards them.

Fernando turned his head slightly to look at me while blowing out smoke and Leonardo just looked down.

"Sorry princesa, we didn't want you to find out"

Fernando said looking back up at the sky.

"We didn't mean to wake you up"

Leonardo said.

"Don't worry it's ok"

I said and stood at the middle of both of them.

Leonardo blow out smoke but not to lie they looked hot, smoking in the moon light.

"Want to try?"

Fernando asked handing me his cigarette.

"No, I'm good"

I said pushing his hand away and he carried on smoking.

"You guys must stop smoking, it's bad for you"

I said and they both looked at me.

"Fine, this will be the last time"

Leonardo said then sucked on his cigarette and blew out the smoke. Fernando too sucked on his cigarette.

He held in the smoke and moved my head towards his then he released it in my mouth.

He pulled back and my mouth was opened allowing the smoke to slowly come out my mouth.

I choked a bit and started coughing. Leonardo and Fernando chuckled.

"Sorry princesa"

Fernando said with a smile on his face.

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