Come back (part two)

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Rose's POV:

Before we went back to the apartment, he drove me to a phone store at this other busy alley.

I bought a new phone there and got a new number.
Leonardo's POV:

We followed Rose to an alley.

She got out of the car and walked into what seemed to be a place where cellphones were sold.

We waited for a while till she got out.

"Go get that phone."

Fernando instructed, and I got out of the car.

I easily blended in with the crowd and was able to take the phone out of her handbag without anyone seeing, then walked back to the car and handed the phone to Fernando.

He put my number and his on it and gave himself the name Faith.

We then followed the car Rose entered in, back to the apartment.

I put on a black cap and mask, hiding my face, then got out of the car, with her phone in hand.

I bumped into her on purpose when she had her head turned towards that bastard.

"I'm so sorry."

She apologized, and I couldn't help but get a touch of her, so I brushed my hand against hers softly.

She smelled the same, felt the same, and I missed that.

I made sure my head was turned to another direction so she wouldn't recognize me.

His direction to be specific, and glared at him for a second before walking away.

I was able to slip the phone back into her handbag and walked in the opposite direction of where the car was, to not raise suspicion.
Rose's POV:

That was weird. His scent smelled so familiar. I have smelled it before, but where?

"Did you see that?"

Aliandro said suddenly, snapping me out of my thoughts. He was also staring at the direction where the guy had gone.

"See what? A scary looking gangster?"

I joked.

"No, he glared at me."

"Ok, now you're seeing things."

I said, laughing at him.

"No, but for real, he was like..."

He went serious, glaring at me, and I laughed even more.

"He was like that, but his eyes looked cold,"

I couldn't stop laughing at him, I could barely even get a breath in.


He shouted at me and I tried to catch my breath but when I looked up at him again, I exploded in laughter.

"WHY YOU!!!"

He started chasing me, and I ran away into the building, still laughing.

He chased after me till I got exhausted and slowed down.

"Got you!"

He said, grabbing my arm, turning me around to face him, and picked me up.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and gave him a smile, but his smile slowly disappeared.

We stared at each other for a long time till he leaned his head closer to my neck.

He gave me soft kisses on my neck, and I was shocked.

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