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Rose's POV

I slowly opened my eyes to find Leonardo and Fernando on either side of the bed next to me hold my hands.

"I'm I dying or what?"

I asked, and they looked up at me. I gave them an awkward smile, and they lind over and hugged me.

"Don't do that ever again. We were worried sick."

Fernando said.

"And don't say that ever again... We can't have you dying. We need you."

Leonardo added.

"Ok, ok, I've learned my lesson won't happen again, bla bla bla."

I pushed away from me, cringing in the inside.

"Rose, we are serious."

Fernando said, and I rolled my eyes.

"I know you are."

"Then what's with the sarcasm?"

Leonardo asked.

"Am I not allowed to be sarcastic?"

"You are, but there's no reason for you to be sarcastic right now."

"Mhmm, well, this whole conversation was nice and all, but I kind of want to be alone right now, so if you may..."

Without another word, they got up and left the room.

I know, I'm acting like a bitch but I'm trying to end this 'Love' I feel for them. It's not even love. It's basically sympathy for how hard they are trying to get me back.

Fake it till you make it, you know. The more I act like I hate them, the more I will start actually hating them.

And I'll make sure that this does not become an 'enemies to lover' type shit, I'm done with them.

After a few minutes of me readying myself in my room, I walked out.

I tell you, I was dressed to impress, wearing my bright blue mini dress, bright white high heels, with my hair done into a big afro, and walking, feeling as confident as ever.

All eyes were on me as I made my way to the kitchen.

I found Leonardo and Fernando there, and when they caught sight of me... Gosh, they looked pathetic.

"You going somewhere?"

Leonardo asked.

"No, can't I dress up when I feel like it."

"You can..."


Leonardo kept quiet.

I walked right past them and opened one of the cupboards, grabbing myself an apple.

"Umm, breakfast is ready."

Fernando spoke as I bit into the apple.

"Who's breakfast?"


"I never asked you to make me breakfast, so who is it for?"

"Yours... We always make you breakfast?"

Leonardo answered when his brother seemed to not know what to say.

"So you want me to throw away my apple for your food?"

I asked and got no reply.

I walked over to them and grabbed the plate of food with the hand that was not occupied.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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