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Rose's POV:

So Leonardo and Fernando started leaving me with their father in the house, and whenever they left, their father would boss me around. For example, he would tell me wash his clothes, including his underwear, clean the whole mansion, etc.

He even tells the maids to relax while I do all the things they are paid to do.

He threatened me not to tell Leonardo and Fernando about the way he treated me or else.

I don't even want to know what will happen if I did tell Leonardo and Fernando, so I never said a word.

Fast forward to the present:

I was wiping the dishes that I had washed by hand even though there was a perfectly good dish washer right next to the sink, which, too, had to take a break from work. Clinton's words, not mine.

While I was doing that, I accidentally allowed a plate to slip from my hands, and it hit the floor, shattering into little pieces.

I didn't think it was a big deal since they were a lot of similar plates anyway, but boy, was I wrong.


He shout roared through the whole house, and I shook in fear.

I quickly went down on my knees to try and pick up all the pieces of the broken plate before he entered the kitchen, but my hands were shaking too vigorously, and I was not fast enough.

"You broke my plate?"

He was next to me, glaring  down at me, and I looked up at him like a guilty child, trying to clean up the evidence.

"I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to."

I muttered, looking back down at the floor, trying to pick up the pieces while my heart was beating very fast as I tried to battle away tears.

Tears of fear, the way he shouted, the tone of his voice made me scared  to the point of tears.

"Sorry... You're sorry?"

He asked, then chuckled.


He yelled, kicking me hard on my side.

I fell onto my other side and slid towards the lower cupboards, hitting my back to a stop. I winced and grunted loudly in pain with my eyes closed shut.

He stepped on the little pieces of the plate that I had let go after the blow, walking towards me. 

"Get up."

Clinton demanded,and I struggled making it t on all fours, I was breathing heavily by this time, trying to catch my breath.

He bent down to my level and gripped my cheeks tightly, raising my head to look at him.

"If I tell you to do something, you must obey, do you understand?"

His hands were squeezing my cheeks, and it hurt a lot.



I stuttered, tears running down my cheeks. Before leaving, he slammed my head on the cupboards. My ears were ringing, I could barely hear myself cry.

I never knew that a plate was worth this much pain, I should be more careful.

After what felt like an hour of me laying on the floor, crying silently, I sat up slowly and leaned my back on the cupboard with my eyes closed.

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