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Fernando's POV:

Rose went running at full speed out of the building. That's when Leonardo started he car and drove after her.

Aliandro then, too, came running out of the building, but stood by the door looking side to side, trying to get sight of Rose, but seemed to have failed since he got into his car and drove the other way.

I followed after him, but not too close, so he did not notice. He had his window opened, shouting out Rose's name, pleading for her to come back and apologizing, like Rose could hear him.

Rose was literally 2 miles away from him.

I noticed a road that I knew very well and turned as he carried on straight, shouting out Rose's name.

This road had an opening that led straight onto his road, and I made sure I reached there before he passed.

And I did. Once I saw his car, I turned my head lights on and drove in full speed, bumping into his car.

Sending it flying through the air for a whole 4 seconds before hitting the ground and tilting over till halting to a stop.

I got out of my car, which was also wrecked, and walked up to his.

He was dangling from his seat, lucky for him, he was wearing a seat belt.

He was bleeding but seemed to be alive. I took the seat belt off him and dragged him out of the car.

I then called one of my drivers, and after a few minutes, I was off to the mafia where I would meet Leonardo.
Rose's POV:
6 hours later.

My vision was blurry, and I felt disoriented, but after like a few seconds, I could see where I was.

The room was dark and small. There was a dim light on the roof, but it barely did anything.

I tried to move my arms but realized that my wrists were tied, my ankles too.

I was tied up to a wood chair in a dimly lit room and don't even remember exactly how I got here, but it was obvious that I was kidnapped.

I looked around and saw a person sitting in the shadows at the corner of the room, watching me.

"Look who's finally awake."

The person stood up from his seat, and I sighed.

"I should have known."

I said as he stepped into the dim light in front of me.



He looked down at me.

"Thinking about killing me, I see."

"You would like that, wouldn't you?"

He asked.

"Yes, it would be the best thing you had ever done to me."

I rolled my eyes, and he chuckled, but psychoticly.

"You should know by now that if you die, I would have to die with you."

He grabbed my chin and raised my head.

"Oh, how kind of you, I really hope God sees how kind you are."

I spoke sarcastically with a smile, and he looked blankly at me.

We stayed like that for a long time, him looking into my eyes, me looking into his, but it no longer felt the same.

His eyes still had the same spark they had for me, but mine were cold.
His eyes like a flame but mine like the Antarctica.

I didn't feel anything for him as he looked down at me, no goosebumps, no heart beating fast, nothing. He was nothing to me anymore.

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