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Rose's POV:

It has been two weeks, two weeks, and I'm still tied up to a wooden chair, I'm still in this dimly lit room, and I'm still forced to see Leonardo and Fernando.

My wrists and ankles have been tied up for so long that I couldn't feel them anymore, same with my butt, I sat here for so long that it felt like I didn't have a butt.

Leonardo and Fernando now forcefully feed me. They grab my cheeks violently, forcing me to open my mouth and stuff the food in my mouth. I don't know how many times I've been close to dying due to choking on food, but I know that it happened more than 15 times.

And believe it or not, They haven't given up on making me their's again.

No matter how many times I spat out the food in their face, no matter how many times I said mean things to them, no matter how many times I told them to kill me, they just never gave up.

I now look as pale as a ghost, as skinny as a twig, and as dead as a lifeless body.

For two weeks, my life has been spent with me staring at a wall or the floor cause each time I closed my eyes, I saw Aliandro.

I missed him with my whole heart, and I'm never going to see him again.

At least I have memories to hold on to.
Leonardo's POV:

It's 9 p.m., and Fernando and I were in the room Rose was in.

We were seated on the floor, beside her, looking up at her.

She had fallen asleep by this time, and I and Fernando did this everyday, just watching her sleep.


She whispered, and a tear rolled down her cheek. I stretched out my hand and wiped the tear away, but then she whispered.


And I dropped my hand. That guy was still pestering me even after his death.

Why can't Rose forget about him?
Why can't she move on from him as easily as she moved on from us?

I envy him. I'm jealous of a dead man.

I think I and Fernando must have drifted off to sleep on the floor cause when I opened my eyes, I saw Rose staring down at me blankly.

I sat up and looked back up at her.

She turned away when she realised I was awake and looked at the door.

"Your brother headed out."

She spoke.

"I think you should follow."

"Why should I ?"

I asked.

"Cause there's nothing else you can do."

Rose tone of voice had changed. She just sounded depressed all the time. She has also never changed her blank facial expression unless if she was sleeping.

Each time I looked at her or heard her voice, it hurt. My chest would ache thinking about how it is my fault.

I stood up and started untying her.

"What are you doing?"

"Don't you want to go for a walk?"

I asked as I untied her wrists.

I untied her ankles afterwards and stood in front of her. She looked up at me, then lifted her hand and just stared at it.

She looked a bit shocked, and that put a smile on my face.

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