The return

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Rose's POV
4 weeks later

Leonardo and Fernando were working out at the gym room, and I was just there watching them, I was actually sitting on Fernando while he did push-ups, and he was now on his 47th push up.

It was so fun for me, going up and down, and I kept on cheering for him to keep going.

So yeah, I was busy riding Fernando while Leonardo lifted his weights, and he said he would stop when Fernando gives up, so that's why I'm cheering for Fernando to not stop.

"Keep on going, Fernando."

"I feel like this is now just for your enjoyment,"

He said while going down for his 49th push-up.

I can't say he was lying like it's not every day someone tells you to sit on them while they do push ups.

While we were doing this, we heard the doorbell ring.

This was odd since it was like 7 pm, and we weren't expecting any visitors.

Leonardo and Fernando froze and looked at each other, alarmed.

"Don't worry, guys, it might just be the guards, I will go check,"

I said, getting off Fernando's back and walked out of the room.

This was unusual. The next ser of guards usually come in through the back door, which has the fingerprint scanner, so why are they knocking on the main one.

I walked downstairs and heard a violent knock.

I opened the door and was horrified to see the person standing there. It was Clinton looking right at me.

I stumbled back in fear and shock.

"Looks like someone still remembers me,"

He said, entering the house and walking towards me while I took steps back until I was near the stairs.

I wish I had never opened the door, I was supposed to let it ring till one of the maids opened it.

"So I see you didn't learn your lesson the first time,"

I heard Leonardo and saw him with Fernando at the top of the stairs.

I walked up the stairs, stood next to Leonardo, and he wrapped his arm around me.

"There are my boys."

Clinton said cheerfully, but they didn't seem amused by him. 

"What do you want?"

Fernando asked, sounding very uninterested.

"Can't I visit my boys anymore?"

"No, you can't."

He replied harshly.

"Why not, I just wanted to see how you guys were doing,"

Clinton said.

"Well, you have seen, now you can leave,"

Leonardo said.

"Are you really doing this to your father who raised you, feed you, and sheltered you just because of a black girl who you met not so long ago, I don't find this fair,"

"The door is behind you. Feel free to leave right now,"

Fernando said, his hand gesturing to the door

"I don't want to, I bought this house, so she is the one who should leave."

Clinton pointed at me.

"Don't point at her, you filthy hor."

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