Take it slow

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Fernando was starting to get a bit too physical lately, and Leonardo was everywhere. Not to lie, I kind of liked the attention, but it was also suspicious and weird.

"Hey, baby girl."

I stopped in my tracks and turned my head to find Leonardo walking towards me.

"What the heck, bro?"

I said.

"Did you just call me, bro? ouch."

He said, and I giggled.

"Sorry, baby boy."

I joked.

"That's even worse."

He complained, and I smiled.

I stayed with him till the bell rang but didn't see Fernando. I wondered where he was.

Fast forward:

It was break time, and a new character is being introduced to the story, Liz. She was my very first friend in high school but was absent for two months and just started coming to school today.

I was telling her about all the things that she was absent for, like the drama and stuff, when someone walked passed and grabbed my arm while I was talking to her and the person dragged me along with them.

I left Liz there with Ashley and Felicia, and they were all staring at me.

"Hey, I think you got the wrong person."

I said, but got no response.

I tried to see the person but he OR she, yet it had to be a he because of the height, not saying that girls aren't tall but this person was tall tall, and I don't have any tall girl friends. Most are taller than me, but not this tall.

Either way, the person was wearing a black hoodie, hiding the back of their head, their hair ,and their face.

I don't think we were allowed to wear hoodies in school premises, but this person was.

The person stopped when we were in an empty hallway and pulled my arm violently, making me bump my back onto the wall.

I didn't hit my back that hard but hard enough to make me groan a bit and close my eyes tightly.

Ooo, what have I done this time?

I slowly opened my eyes to see who this person was just to find that person looking down at me.


He was staring down at me, blankly. I was not sure if he was angry or emotionless. It is so difficult to read his emotions.

"Fernando, what are you..."

He interrupted me by putting his finger in my mouth, taking it out, then putting it in his. Like he was tasting me.


I was too shocked to give this dude a disgusted expression.

After a few seconds, he took his finger out his mouth. He leaned over, going down to my level, and pressed his lips on mine.

He used his tongue to force my mouth open.

He was kissing me, a real deep kiss, like our tongues were touching and everything, and I was even more shocked.

He wrapped his arms around me and lifted me up, not breaking the kiss even a little bit.

My legs automatically wrapped around his waist, which lifted my skirt a bit up.

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