Gay (part 2)

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Leonardo's POV
2 weeks later

Lucas still kept on falsely accusing me of doing bad things to him, like beating him up, threatening him, and more.

I finally fought back today.

I waited till he was alone and pinned him against a wall.

"Dude, what is your problem?"

I asked, and he just grinned at me.

"You, you are my problem,"

He replied.

"What did I do to you, or are you trying to take Rose away from me? Sorry to tell you, but that will never happen,"

I said, slamming his back harder against the wall. He grunted but grinned afterward .

"It's you. You are driving me crazy,"

He said, and his grin grew. What did he mean by 'it's me'? What did I do?

I was about to ask him, but then Rose came out of nowhere and saw me pinning Lucas against the wall.


She shouted, and I looked back to see her standing at the entrance of the room.

I looked back at Lucas, and he winked at me.

I wanted to merge this guy with the wall right now, but I could feel Rose's glares.

I let go of his collar and walked out of the room, dragging Rose along with me.

"Leonardo, let me go,"

She said and tried to pull her arm away from mine but failed miserably.

When we were far away from Lucas, I pulled her closer to me and helped her stand straight by holding her shoulders down.

"Rose, there is something seriously wrong with your friend,"

"No, there is something wrong with you, Leonardo. You said that you never did any of the things that he told me you did, but look at what I just saw you doing with my own eyes."

She said, literally not listening to me or giving me the time to explain my suspensions. Maybe even thinking that I was going crazy.

I inhaled and exhaled deeply, then walked away from her.

There was no convincing that girl without proof.

I'll just have to handle this myself. I'm done getting tormented by this guy.
The next day

I was at the wash room showering at the mafia since I really smelled bad after torturing someone to death.

I was done after a few minutes and came out wearing my trousers and wiping my hair when I saw the person that was ruining my life, leaning against a wall that was near the door.

"You are finally done showering. You smell good,"

He complimented me while getting off the wall.

Was he waiting for me?
The thought disgusted me.

"What do you want?"

I asked threateningly.

"You still haven't gotten the hint, I want you."

He said and started walking closer to me with a grin that belonged to a psychopath.

"What do you mean...are you gay?"

I asked.

I have never been in such a situation. It was weird, and again, I found myself taking steps back until I hit my back on the wall.

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