One gone

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A week later
Rose's POV:

Leonardo didn't come to school on Tuesday, and I asked Fernando why.

He told me that he didn't feel well and that he might be back on Thursday.

I was so sad that Leonardo was not able to make it to school but not as sad as Fernando.

Fernando kept on coming to speak to me that day, I guess he was bored without his brother, and he thought about irritating me.
Fast forward:

It was break time, and while I and my friends were walking to our usual spot where we sat, Fernando came out of nowhere.

"Hi princesa,"

He greeted, sounding thrilled.


I said, raising one of my eyebrows at him.

What did he want this time?

When he looked at my friends, his facial expression changed, but when he looked back at me, he seemed happy.

I have noticed this about Leonardo and Fernando. They change facial expressions and emotions like a chameleon changes its colours.

When they see me, they might not be smiling but I can see the happiness in thier eyes but when they look at other people, they might give them a look of disgust, anger, irritation, annoyed or emotionless.

Fernando looked at my friends like he was annoyed by them.

"So what do you need? Or did you just come here to look at my friends like that?"

I asked, and he looked back at me.

"No, I came here to steal you, just for a minute, then I'll bring you back."

I was about to reply when Ashley stood in front of me.

"You will not be stealing her today 'LOVER BOY',"

She said.

"And who said I was talking you?"

Fernando asked, glaring at her, and she glared back at him. They both looked very annoyed by each other.

I remembered that Leonardo told me Fernando kind of has anger issues and that I must try to not make him too angry, but by the way he was looking at Ashley, I could see that he was getting impatient.

"Ok guys, there's no need to fight,"

I said, speaking a joking tone standing in the middle of both of them, trying to eazy the tension.

I didn't want Fernando to hurt my best friend, so I had to find a way to cool them both down.

Fernando looked at me, and so did Ashley.

"So you are taking his side, again?"

Ashley asked, frustrated.


I tried to explain myself, but they didn't give me the chance to.

"Rose warn your friend."

Fernando threatened before walking away, looking angry and disgusted.

"Yeah, you better not come back!"

Ashley shouted out while I tried to keep her quiet.

Fernando stopped for a second but carried on walking away.

I think he wanted to come back but had second thoughts.


Felicia asked.

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