Moving on

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Rose's POV:

It has been 6 months, I haven't seen Leonardo and Fernando in 6 months, and I'm enjoying my life.

The driver, Aaron, had taken me to this other apartment in a small village.

When the landlord of the apartment saw me, she immediately greeted me and told me that she had been expecting me and that Faith was her friend who had paid two months of rent for me.

Ever since then, life has been going well.

I had gotten a job in this other small restaurant as a waitress.

I was known by many people in the area and had many friends.

I now even have furniture in my apartment and afford the rent, as well as treat myself to nice things from time to time.

Life has never been so comfortable.

Well, today, I was sleeping like a baby in my comfortable soft bed when I heard a violent knock on my door.


The person at the door was my best friend, Rara, is the nickname people gave him.

Aliandro was his actual name, but he hates being called that.

He was pale white with ginger hair yet it wasn't curly, he was rocking a spiky fringe cut.

He is gay and was one of the first people I met when I got here.


I shouted, basically jumping off the bed. I can't believe I overslept.

I very quickly splashed my face with water, put some toothpaste in my mouth, and ran out.

Hey, don't judge me, I was late.

I changed, grabbed my hairbrush, and ran out.

"It's about time."

"Don't act like you have never overslept."

He rolled his eyes at me, and then we entered his car, a Fiat 500X, but not without me noticing a navy blue BMW X6, parked on the other side of the street.

BMWs are actually very rare in Italy. There are only two people I know who have them, but I doubt it's them. Maybe someone other rich person decided to visit someone who lived across the street.
Fernando's POV:

We killed the female bodyguard yesterday, and now, today, we were standing in front of Aaron, the driver who took away Rose.

We had kidnapped him and tied him up to a chair.

We had knocked him unconscious yesterday, and now his finally awake but is refusing to tell us where he took her.


The guy had blood dripping down his lip and a black eye, but still wouldn't tell us.

"We will end you if you don't tell us her location."

I threatened.

"I have nothing to live for anyway, so go ahead."

He said and received another punch across the face from Leonardo.

He coughed out some blood and looked Leonardo in the eye.

"Rose is a wonderful person. You don't deserve her."

Leonardo grabbed him by the neck, strangling him.

"Leonardo, stop."

I pulled him away from Aaron.

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