Oh No (part 2)

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Rose's POV:

I woke up with arms wrapped around me and a leg over my legs.

I turned my head to see Rara, sleeping right behind me. His abs pressed against my back.

His resting face looked so hot... My cheeks were getting hot. No wonder why I felt so hot without blankets during the night. His body heat kept me hot all night.

I realized that I had been staring at him for too long and looked away.

"Rose focus, his gay, his into men."

I whispered to myself, pulling myself together.

I then stretched my hand out to reach my phone to look at the time.


I got no reply.


I said a bit louder, and he groaned.

"Get up, we are late."

"Mmh, just a few more minutes."

He said, pulling me closer like I wasn't already close enough.

"NO, UP!"

I said, breaking through his arms and jumping off the bed.


He groaned.

"If you keep on acting like this, I might develop feelings."

I spoke low, then walked away.

I went back to my little piece of the apartment to fix myself up, but I couldn't stop thinking about what I had said to Rara before exiting the room.

Gosh, why did I say that?
I can't develop feelings for my friend?

We were just acting, that's all it was.

After a few more minutes off me rushing my way through my morning routine, I was out of the room.

I then made my way to Rara's door and knocked violently.


I shouted, banging on his door, then made my way out of the apartment and stood in front of the exit.

After a few minutes of me waiting there, I heard footsteps behind me.

"I'm done."

I heard him say, but when I turned around, I saw the guy with a half buttoned shirt, a tie that wasn't pulled all the way, and messy hair.

"I will slap you."

I said, walking closer to him and started buttoning up his shirt.

"You can't go to work, looking like this."

I said while pulling up his tie, then used my hand to try and brush down his hair while he stared down at me.

"There, that's better, now let's go."

I said, turning away from him and speed walking down the three stairs to the car.

I turned around to find him still standing on the top of the stairs, staring at me.


I shouted.

"Oh yeah, I'm coming."

He said, jogging down the stairs.

He unlocked the car, and we entered before he drove off. I reached work 45 minutes late and was already panicking when Rara called me back, and I walked all the way to his window.

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