Back to school

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Rose's POV:

It was now Monday, and we were back at school.

I really want to shout at Leonardo and Fernando for the way they spoke to my mother on Sunday.

I entered the school gates and saw them busy on their phones as usual and did not feel like talking to them, I just felt so frustrated by them.

"So you guys thought that it was ok to speak to my mum like that? "

I asked, annoyed.

"What do you mean?"

Leonardo asked.

"If you think that you guys were cool, then let me tell you, you were not."

I crossed my arms, showing them how angry I was, and looked away from them.

"we are sorry, ok princesa"

Fernando apologized, hugging me from behind.

"Do you forgive us?"

He added in a childish tone.

"I don't think I can forgive you guys,"

Leonardo then stood in front of me. He bent over slightly and put him hands on his thighs, which just insulted me because he was basically showing me how short I was.

I turned my head away from him and heard him chuckle a little.

I felt fingers being placed softly under my chin, and he moved my head for me to face him.

I stared at him, and he smirked at me.

"Please forgive us?"

He asked, and it got so hard for me to stay angry. His fingers were so warm, and his smile, wow.

I stayed silent, just staring deep into his blue eyes.


Fernando begged after Leonardo.

I couldn't stay angry. It was just too difficult.

"Fin,  I forgive yo,  but don't think I will forgive you this easily again."

Leonardo softly peeked my lips.

"We don't expect you to."

He said before standing up straight.

Then Fernando planted a kiss on my cheek still with his arms around me.

"So about you striping, will you do it?"

He asked randomly as Leonardo wrapped his arms around my waist, right above Fernando's.

Now Leonardo was in front of me, Fernando was behind, and they were both holding me, making me hot.

I chuckled at Fernando's question.

"No, I will not be striping for you guys."

"You don't want to sit on my lap again?"

He asked with one of his eyes closed and a grin.

"No, Fernando, I am not doing that again either."

"But you did not sit on my lap yet."


I shouted, and they both laughed.

Damn they don't take me seriously... I like it.
Fast forward:

It was lunchtime and my friends were bragging about how their holiday went.

"I was just at the house,"

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