Their Friends

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A month later
Rose's POV:

Ahh, I feel so hungry, yet it was like 06:00pm.

Leonardo and Fernando were downstairs, so I could also go down there.

I thought, getting off the bed and walking out the room.

"I'm hungry,"

I said, entering the sitting room where I knew Leonardo and Fernando were. They were sitting on the couch and looked away from their phones, up at me.

"And... How is that our problem?"

Fernando asked rudely, and they both started laughing.

I felt so frustrated and angry. I shrugged at him and was about to walk back upstairs when Leonardo said loudly.


They stood up from their seat.

"Well, I just lost my appetite, so sit back down."

I said angrily and turned my back at them.

I heard them laugh even louder. Like I was a joke.

I felt a hand grab my arm when I was about to walk up the stairs. I turned my head and saw that it was Fernando.

How did he get behind me so fast? The couch and the staircase are so far away from each other. I'm I that absent-minded when I'm hangry.

"Come on,"

Fernando said, dragging me towards the kitchen, and Leonardo followed behind.

"There are snacks. Is that going to satisfy you?"

Leonardo asked, opening the top cupboard.

I can't believe they stored the snacks on a cupboard that I could not reach.

I was about to answer Leonardo's question when we heard the main door being slammed open, which made Leonardo and Fernando tense up and look at each other for a second.

"Come here,"

Fernando demanded, and I went behind him and Leonardo.

They both took out their guns and aimed them towards the kitchen entrance.

Now I knew that we were not expecting any visitors and got scared.

Five people entered the kitchen, and I hid myself behind Fernando, gripping tightly on his shirt.

"Ha, I guess you were not expecting us,"

One of the guys said, and they all started laughing except for Leonardo and Fernando.

"You guys should learn how to knock,"

Leonardo said and put his gun back behind his shirt, and so did Fernando.

Leonardo and Fernando knew these men?

I peaked my head from behind Fernando to see the guys. 

"Next time, we might kill one of you."

Fernando said, and the guys carried on laughing like it was a joke, while Leonardo took out packs of chips for me.

"And who is that?"

One of the guys spotted me staring and tried to look behind Fernando, who kept on moving side to side to not let him see me.

"Why do you want to know?"

Fernando asked.

"Bro, just show us the girl,"

"Firstly, I'm not your bro. Secondly, I don't want to."

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