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Rose's POV

It has been a month, and I'm now back at Leonardo and Fernando's mansion. I don't call it a home anymore. It hasn't been a home in a long time.

I sleep alone in my own room since I was still adjusting back to my old life and have been sabotaging Leonardo and Fernando ever since I got here, but somehow, it never worked.

I cut holes in all their shirts, mixed  blue dye in their shampoo, added salt in their alcohol and more other things, but they just seemed to get happier.

Fernando smiled as he looked at himself through the mirror with his light blue coloured hair, and Leonardo drank his vodka like it was completely normal. I was pissed.

I'm currently in bed with Leonardo and Fernando. I'm squashing myself up in the middle, and I'm as straight as I possibly can be, to the point that I feel like a log.

I really didn't want to touch them, not even a little bit.

Gosh, I'm so uncomfortable. If you are wondering why I'm torturing myself, I need to get close to Leonardo and Fernando to actually hurt them, I won't them to suffer, but can't do it afar.

Leonardo then, for some reason, changed positions and was now facing me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

My whole body shivered. I had already pushed Fernando's arm away, and now it's Leonardo.

I placed both my hands on his arms and pushed downwards, but his grip tightened, causing me to clench my teeth.

I turned my head to face him, feeling ever so frustrated and said.

"Leonardo, I want to go to the bathroom."

In the most sweetest tone I could pull off, and he took his arms off me.

I scrambled off the bed and speed walked towards the bathroom. Once I had reached and closed the door behind me, I let out a sigh of relief.

I can't stand them. Their breaths are too minty, and their touch makes my whole body shiver. Each time they looked at me, I glared at them. Each time they spoke, I rolled my eyes.

I just feel hatered towards them. The things I used to love about them, I hate the most now, they just disgust me.
Leonardo's POV

It has been an hour, and Rose still hadn't come back from the bathroom.

I got up and went to check on her and found her sleeping on the floor with her head lend against the wall.

I sat down next to her and just stared. She could have just gone to her room. Why would she choose to sleep in the bathroom instead?

Her head started sliding slowly down against the wall, and I moved closer to her. Her head ended up on my shoulder, and she was still soundlessly asleep.

I know it will take time to get Rose to really forgive me, and I don't mind waiting.
Rose POV
6 a.m.

I woke up and found myself sleeping on my bed in my room. How did I get here? I don't know, but I think it has something to do with either Fernando or Leonardo. I really don't care, so I won't bother finding out.

I got off the bed and fixed myself up before exiting the room and making my way towards the kitchen where Leonardo and Fernando were.


I said with a smile, and they looked over their shoulders at me.

"Good morning."

Fernando replied, and they turned back at the food they were making as I sat on a chair by the counter table.

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