The Break

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Clinton was going away for 2 months tomorrow, just to spoil himself I think and I was glad. I could now relax but not just yet.

I was busy cleaning the floor with a mop when all of a sudden the main maid pushed me from behind and I fell onto the wet floor.

"Oops, I'm so clumsy"

She said in a sarcastic voice like I did not know she did that on purpose and some of the other maids giggled.

I tried to pull myself up but then she kicked me and that caused me to fall over again.

"I have concord the beast"

She joked  placing her foot on me and all the maids that were near started laughing, they were all were laughing at me.

I heard Clinton laugh while clapping his hands because what she was doing obviously amused him.

"This is why you are my favourite"

He said and the maid removed her foot from my back and walked to him.

I was now on my knees with tears going down my face and no one even thought about helping me, they were all 'oohing' at Clinton and the maid. Clinton placed his hands around the maid's waist and they kissed.

Thank goodness Clinton was leaving tomorrow, I won't have to bare this for two months. It's better then baring thus every single day.

It was morning and I forgot that last night Leonardo and Fernando fell asleep in my room.

They did say that I must sleep with them from now on so Leonardo was sleeping on the right side, Fernando on the left and me in the middle.

When I wake up I was shocked to see them both sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at me, like creeps.

"You are finally awake, cupcake"

Leonardo said but I was actually still half asleep.

"Hmm, my men"

I said  unexpectedly while turning around on the bed and layed on my stomach.

It took me a long time to realise what I said but when I did, my eyes opened widely.

I sat up straight and I looked at them in shock, they were still there. I hoped that they didn't hear that but it was obvious that they did.

Fernando's face was red he was blushing and looked so studded.  Leonardo looked away from me with his hand covering his face.


I said loudly pulling the blanket up to hide my face.

"Ok um...I am going to make food"

Fernando said exiting the room and I felt someone crawl up the bed and pull the blanket of my face.

"Don't you want to say that again"

Leonardo said looking at me and I kept quiet.

He pushed me down and was now above me looking down at me.

"It was a mistake"

I said softly.

Leonardo was so close to me that I could even feel his body heat and could smell his minty breath.

"Then make the same mistake again, cupcake, for me"

He said leaning towards me when all of a sudden one of the maids barged in the room and Leonardo turned and looked at the door.

" sorry sir"

A maid stuttered and Leonardo sighed loudly.


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