Oh No

51 3 0

Rose's POV:

It was 07:00p.m. at night, and Rara and I were preparing to watch a movie together.

My phone then started ringing, and I excused myself and walked to my bedroom to answer the call.

The number was unknown, which confused me, but I did give my numbers to some of my new friends, so it might be one of them.


I greeted, but no one answered.


I said again, louder this time.


I froze up... The voice said my name, no matter how deep it got, I always recognized it. The person talking on the other side was Leonardo.

"Rose, I missed you."

I was shocked to the point that I couldn't speak, I just stood there staring blankly at the wall while my heart beat uncontrollable.

"Rose, please come back. It hasn't been the same without you."


I whispered.



I said a bit louder.

"Please, Rose, We..."


I shouted, then ended the call.

I let go of the phone, and it fell onto the floor, then pinned my back on a wall and slid down slowly till I reached the ground.

I bent my knees, placing my feet on the floor, then placed my forehead on my knees, and wrapped my arms around my head, hiding my face.

I cried, remembering all the things I've been through with them, all the things that they did to me, how I almost died for them, and all those things.

Deep down, I haven't lost feelings for them, I'm still madly in love with them, and I can't stop.

My bedroom door opened slowly.

"Rose, what happened? Are you ok?"

I heard Rara say, and I very quickly wiped my tears and looked up at him.

"Yeah, I'm ok."

I said, forcing on a smile and trying hard to keep in my tears inside.

"Rose, you know you don't have to hide your feelings from me, I see that you are not ok."

Rara said and sat next to me on the floor,then wrapped his arm around me as I lay my head on his shoulder.

"It...It was my ex."


"My ex was the one who had called."

I said while allowing streams of tears to flow down my face.

"The ones who hurt you?"

He asked, and I nodded.

If you're asking, yes, I did tell Rara about Leonardo and Fernando, but he doesn't know all the details like how they are murders who kill for fun or that they run a mafia or how I almost died for them or... You should get it by now.

I left out the dark details and told him the light ones.

"How did they get your numbers?"

"I don't know."

I replied as he stroked my shoulder.

"Aww honey, it will be ok. Just block and delete the number, and it won't bother you anymore."

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