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[Author's note: for all the people who read with music, I advise you to read this part listening to the song, Miia: Dynasty (sped up).]

Rose's POV

I was sleeping so peacefully when my neck started feeling a bit itchy, and I ended up waking up to scratch it.

I woke up in a room that did not look the same, then the room I went to sleep in. The lights were on but were dimmer than usual.

I tried to lift up one of my arms to scratch my neck, but I could only move my wrist. I couldn't lift up my arm.

I slowly realised that this was not my room and that I was tied up to a chair.

Panic ran through my veins. My fight or flight instincts were triggered, but I couldn't even move.

I didn't know where I was or how I even got here.

I was about to scream when someone entered the room.

"Look at who's awake."

It was Leonardo and Fernando following behind him.

"What's going on? How did I get here? And why am I tied up?"

I asked.

"Well, we brought you here. You  were sound asleep and didn't even feel Leonardo lift you up from the bed, and don't worry, we are gonna release you,"

Fernando said with his hand on my cheek.

"Ok, so why am I here?"

"You will find out soon, but for now, what do you need? A glass of water, food, or..."

Fernando asked.

"I'm good, but the back of my neck is itchy,"

I said, and Leonardo scratched my neck for me.

"Anything else?"

Leonardo asked, and I shook my hand side to side.

"Ok then, we will be back in a minute, so stay put,"

Fernando said, and  they left me in  the room alone, again.

What was going on?
Did I get infected with some kind of disease, and that'swhymy neck was so itchy?
Did I act out while I was sleeping?

AM I TURNING INTO A ZOMBIE. All these crazy things kept on popping up in my head and my mind trying to find the reason of me getting tied up to a chair.

Leonardo and Fernando did come back into the room but were not alone this time.

They were with Ashley and Felicia, strange.

I didn't expect them to bring Ashley and Felicia along.

I now felt like a crazy person sitting in a chair with my hands tied and all of them looking down at me. I looked up at them in confusion.

"Untie her,"

Fernando demanded.

Leonardo walked up behind me and untied the rope, which had held my hands firmly against each other.

My hands felt a bit painful, but it was not that bad.

I stood up from the seat, and now all of them were looking at me, like I was gonna somehow run away or disappear.

"Rose, you have to choose."

Ashley said all of a sudden.

"What do you mean by choose, choose between what exactly?"

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