5. Event

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Both besties reached University, they were 2 hours early today before their lectures start . As soon as they entered the premises yeonjun dragged her to the cafeteria and made her eat a sandwich that was all available at the cafe since it's early. After that they both left for the auditorium. Upon reaching there , finalising their performance they left to get the costumes and make up done since it was already 3 hours since they reached there...... They event was ready to begin they were only waiting for the chief guest.

Mr. and Mrs. Kim were the chief guests in today's event . Soon the arrival of the guests was announced and the event began .

After 5 performances it was yeonjun's turn for his dance . He did well like very well. Now it was the last performance.

Tae's parents were happy that it was finally going to end because they were here for y/n they wanted to know about the girl....

Next , the name of the performer was announced they both snapped their heads towards the stage entrance.

What the saw was y/n in a beautiful white dress, silk black long hair, big innocent doe eyes .
Coming towards them with a big benquet of flowers.

Both of them were just awestruck by her , she presented them the flowers , smiled and bowed at them . And went back to the stage . She sat on a big stool with a guitar. She started singing.

There were so many loud cheers for her , people loved her and even the Kim couple were just mesmerized by the way her fingers played on the guitar, the way words came out from her mouth everything was just amazing.


Why everyone cheered for y/n? let me answer.

She is the most outstanding student in the university, the first place is always fixed by her . In each and every exam she is going to be first and now everyone is used to this fact.

She is an all-rounder, loves music, she can dance too. She can play every instrument. She is really good at basketball. Team captain on the basketball team of University.

Everyone adored her . Everyone wanted to be friends with her , many had crush on her but she never speaks unnecessarily with anyone.... She is known as a quiet and private type of person , speaks less and as if she only speaks to yeonjun

Where majority loved the girl, there were few people who hated her too.

No one in the university except Jun actually knew about her life , which was a lot similar to " hell "

After the event ended the Kim couple went to the principal and asked about y/n . All the heard was good, like too good.  They also took a round of the university and saw y/n giving a presentation in a very outgoing way.

So now they were waiting outside the university for y/n to come out so that they can follow her .

Yes!! They are going to follow her and Know more about her.

Soon y/n left from the University and started opposite to her house they were confused but still followed her .
Soon they reached to a studio , a music studio . Were people of all ages were learning music . And y/n too. The couple loved this fact about her.

After one hour she went to a basketball court. Were similarly people were playing basketball. She  kinda was teaching all of them . But again couple loved this too.

And then she went to a study library and studied for 4 hours straight.

Because studying in Min's place hah!! Not possible.

Ok so actually y/n owns that studio the old couple thought that she was also a student there but she was the one who teaches.

Music is the healing medicine for the hybrid. As soon as her fingers touch those instruments everything starts healing.

She also owns that basketball court, she teaches people basketball over there .

Basketball is the source where she takes out her frustration. Everytime the ball goes into the court she feels relieved from the anger and the frustration.

She worked at a cafe during her highschool and managed to rent out a studio and soon her talent was recognised and she was able to buy the studio and court also . She first secured her source of income .

Now she was also planning to move out she also started sneaking her stuff out of Mins in her college bag . Because they will never let her move out if they find it out so y/n ' s plan was to leave for University one day and never go back.


Now is was almost 9 pm and y/n was walking towards. Her " so called home ".

On the way back

She found a lost puppy so , bent down and saw the Little puppy was literally shivering of cold , so

She took off her sweatshirt leaving herself in a full sleeves shirt.

And she wrapped the puppy with her sweatshirt.

Opened up her bag and took out a sandwich.
She broke it into small pieces and feed the puppy.
She even feed him water.
It looked like the poor soul hasn't eaten anything since morning or maybe few days.

She picked the puppy up and he snuggled more her chest .

Looking at this her eyes slipped tears and she thought.

" Just like me, all alone and craving for love " .....

She thought to herself.

She checked her watch it was , 8:45 and she knew if she won't get home home by 9 she will be beaten badly . But who cares.

She started walking again holding a puppy close to her chest . The puppy was so clam at this point that he slept. The couple was again curious what is she gonna do next .

After walking for 20 mins they reached a place it was a shelter home for abandoned animals. She entered inside and handed the puppy to them .

After coming out of the place she took a sigh of relief and thought

" At least he won't feel alone and scared over here , like i feel " .

Wiping her tears she walked to the Min's residence.

The couple was again very touched with her this gesture and on the way back to their house they made a final decision and went back home happily.

As soon as she entered the place. A hard slap landed on her cheek Making her fall on the floor.

And y/n knew how it's gonna end tonight.




Hlo everyone 💚👀

I know it was little boring part but it was important for the plot of the story.

Thank you so much for reading.

See u soon 👋🏻

Mr. Stone Head / Kim Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now