11. Sold

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Taehyung was completely drunk when he reached the door of Hyun jae's house....
She opened the door and taehyung just threw himself into her arms.. crying and mumbling something...

She somehow dragged the huge man to the bed room and he just passed out.





Next morning

Taehyung woke up with a terrible hangover....
After 3 hours he was finally back to normal thanks to her she took good care of him.

He started crying and told her each and everything. Hugging her like his life was dependent on her...

She listened to him calmly and said

" Babe do u love me ?? She asked...

" Ofc i do babe , more then anything else " he replied...

Jae : ok that's it we love each other so no one can seperate us , u marry her i don't have any problem with that , we will do something that she'll leave u on her own , and if that gold digger doesn't then u can divorce her after a year...
We'll stay like this... Nothing will change in between us ok babe??...

He teared up again, he hugged her.....

" Thank u so much babe , i love so much , we'll be like this no matter what i promise, I'll never look at her ... "...

Jae pulled off and said ...

" But remember tae u have to make her leave u ". ..

Tae : how will we do that ?

Jae : it's simple tae be rude to her , call her names ,
U should always remember that she is the reason why i am not with u , make her life hell. She is nothing but a god digger, a slut who just wants u for money.

Tae : yes babe , i can feel the hate for her in me ...
I'll make her life hell that she'll leave me on her own.. ..


" I'll make her life a living hell for seperating us ".........



"Look min we really like ur daughter y/n she is just so exceptional, so the reason we invited u today was that we want y/n to marry our Taehyung... " Mr. Kim said ...

Min : sir i...i am glad t..that u like y/n but s..sir i Don't think this will work, because we have completely different lives , different status and i can't even afford such kind of huge wedding to match your status...

Mr. Min said looking at his wife who was burning with jealousy...

Mr. Kim : oh come on min it isn't about status, we just want your daughter and that's it ..
About the wedding we will pay for everything and i know Min your trying to open up your own business

" i can help you with that our company will support u , we'll be providing u 10 million dollars from our company fund that too without any interest or safety. And I'll be helping u as a relative. "

Mrs.kim : yes Mr and Mrs min think about it...

Mrs min started drooling when she heard about 10 million dollars...

Mrs. Min : yes mam we'll give u our daughter... She'll marry taehyung...

The Kim couple squealed in happiness...

Mr. Stone Head / Kim Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now