34. Pain

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Around 3 hours later , taehyung was sitting in a park on the bench , from last three hours trying to cool down.... Suddenly he snapped out and realised what he did....

He started panicking..

Suddenly y/n unconscious figure flashed infront of his eyes...

His hands started shacking...

S..s..she w.. wasn't m..moving

S..she wasn't moving

He kept mumbling to himself...

Suddenly he got up and rushed towards his car , driving at full speed..

He called their family doctor to reach his appartment as soon as possible...

He kept banging his hands on the steering wheel cursing at himself....

P.. please be ok...

P.. please...

W..what have i Done...!

He pulled his hair in frustration, he didn't even knew how he came this far from the house...

Fuck !!!:

After 25 mins of driving he finally reached home .
He opened the door, which he left unlocked.

He went inside with his trembling hands...

He saw y/n still laying on the floor where he left her , he rushed upto her .

He pulled her head on his lap started Patting her cheeks... To wake her up.

Tae : h..hey , p... please wake up , please wake up...
I ...i..a..am sorry..p.. please wake up .
Hey , Fuck i don't even know know your name , fuck

He picked her up layed her on bed of her room. Still trying to wake her up.

Her forehead was bleeding, he pulled out his hankey from his pocket and started cleaning her face...

Suddenly he heard the door bell ...
He rushed towards the door letting the doctor and a nurse in..

The doctor was checking y/n when the nurse asked for her spare clothes but he was totally clueless about her room , so he just blankly pointed at the closet.

After half an hour they came out and told him , that she fainted because of exaustion and weakness.
Doc handed him a few medicines and ointments explaining him medication .
He told taehyung that if she doesn't wakes by morning, so he should bring her to hospital..

After locking the door came back to her room , pulling a blanket over her , he sat down near her looking at her face , he observed her face , and saw how her left side cheek was completely swelled up on which doctor put a healing patch her , the side of her lips was purple, and wounded...

Her arms had purple marks....

He remembered doing this all and he started crying...

"I..i..a.am a monster, a fucking m..monster "

He held her hand and caressed her head ...

The whole night taehyung sat near her , crying and cursing at himself.

It was around 10am taehyung was scared to death , y/n wasn't awake yet...

He was panicking, his hand were shacking , he doesn't even knows, what will happen next, he didn't wanted it to happen, he didn't wanted to hurt her , he decided not to touch her , he didn't wanted it . He was scared....

Mr. Stone Head / Kim Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now