10. Maybe

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Lee stood up and walked towards y/n....



y/n took a week step back stumbling....

Lee stood infront of her , grabbed her wrist digging nails into her beautiful shiny skin....
Dragged her to the kitchen and pushed her to the floor Making her cry in pain...

Lee crouched down to her level held her hair to make her look up .
Y/n looked at her with those beautiful grey ( her human form has grey eyes and her hybrid form has ocean blue eyes) , puffy and teary eyes. Lee was carried away by the innocence those eyes had .

When Lee's eyes meet with y/n's , Lee felt a pang on her heart , her grip on y/n's hair loosen .

Lee could clearly hear those pretty grey eyes saying........

" Grandma i didn't do anything, why do u hate me this much " .

Lee remembered her daughter ( y/n's mom ) giggling at her baby bump. How happy she was when she gave birth to y/n.....

" G.. grandma a..are.u..o..ok?" Y/n called out snapping lee out of her thoughts....

In return of which y/n received a tight slap on her right Cheek...

Lee : get the whole house clean and tidy before i come back, *slap* and ur no one to me don't u dare call me grandma u lost this right "when u killed my inocent daughter and my son in law"... U fucking slut...

Saying this Lee directly left the house without even looking back.

Y/n somehow managed to get up from the floor and started the work, no one else was at home. Dragging herself , crying , stumbling she managed to do everything with her throbbing body.


Ok let me clear the relationship between Lee and y/n .

So Lee is y/n grandmother . Lee's elder daughter married the elder son of Min's ( y/n's parents ). Soon
The younger ones fell in love and they also got married.
So Lee's sisters were married to Min brothers.....

Lee loved her granddaughter very much but when only y/n came back with the dead bodies of her parents she started hating the 8 year old very much .
And Mrs. Min she always hated y/n's mom . She always felt left alone because how outgoing she was.
But Mrs.min loved y/n at her niece ,  But after her mom died Everyone in the whole family started hating the 8 year old accusing her for the death of her parents.

No one cared about the little , what she was going through, she literally saw her parents getting killed. And when she needed someone, everyone hated her .

There is no one to console her , take care of her , rather there are alot of people who hate her this much that they won't be bothered even if she dies right infront of them.


One week later.....

Taehyung and his girlfriend (Hyun-jae ) were cuddling naked on the bed of the luxurious farm house owned by taehyung.....
It was the first time they made love . Taehyung was beyond happy that they finally took another major step of their relationship......

Hyun-jae called taehyung who was hugging her like a Koala.
" Babe " she called... Taehyung hummed in response.

" This farm house is so beautiful, i wish i had one ."
She said making taehyung chuckle.

Mr. Stone Head / Kim Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now