7. Sensitive

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Next morning when taehyung woke up he was the happiest person alive on the earth. As soon as he woke up he got a good morning message from his baby. She asked him if they could go on a shopping date. And ofcourse he said yes , it would be the first time in his life that he would be ditching his work to go out on a date .

He got ready wearing this suit and left for his date.




On the other side.

Y/n woke up groaning in pain , her left arm was completely numb...... As soon as she woke up forgetting about the pain she immediately sat on her bed and started calling for her dada.

D..dada ....i..i.saw..u.l..last...night...p..please c..come ....to me..d..da..dada .....p.. please..i..w..want..to.see...u..p..please...

She cried for a while but eventually stopped.

She was so much in pain that she just stopped crying, she realised it was of no use. Even speaking was hurting right now. Her body was weak , a little numb and a little did she was craving for a little comfort , from someone , she wanted someone near her to hold her and care for her but unfortunately it was never gonna happen or will it?

She got up dragging herself , she wore a sleeveless vest and simple pants .
She had to go to the doctor as he said that he needs to check whether there was any infection growing in the cuts .

She went downstairs with the support of the staircase. She was amazed to see that the family was already having breakfast.... But really how can they , who the heck Cooked???....

She walked to the hall and seeing the person with them she froze at her spot. Her hands started shaking. She knew that staying here for a few days is gonna be tough very tough.

?? : Come here u Little witch.

Y/n walked towards her and received a jaw crushing slap. She ended up on the floor.

Mr.min : mom stop it... Leave this shit let's enjoy our food.

It was mrs.lee , Mrs.min's mom. She hates y/n to the core of her heart . The Last time she came y/n ended up in hospital with lots of injuries and 2 fractures.

Mrs.lee walked past the girl on the floor but she noticed that her arm was bandaged, she smirked and mentally praised her daughter.

Lee kicked y/n's arm making her scream in pain........

Y/n somehow managed to get up ... She hanged her zipper on her arms and walked outside the house.

She kept crying and crying until she reached the hospital.

She was getting her bandages removed when the doctor noticed the girl's condition... He even asked if something was wrong but she lied to him saying nothing was wrong with a fake and the most beautiful smile.

Y/n was again whimpering in pain when the nurse was taking samples of skin from her cuts as it was important for the tests . Blood flowing, another nurse was holding tissues to stop the blood . They were in the tests laboratory, when another person came inside for some tests .

??: What the actual god damn fuck bitch what happened??

She opened her eyes and saw yeonjun standing infront of her with some hospital files .

He ran to his bestfriend who was looking like a complete disaster. When his eyes met with her teary ones , he immediately understood what could have happened.

He held her another hand . None of them said anything until the tests and the bandages were done .

The came out of the cabin , she was looking down until they reached the hospital exit. Jun held her hand and dragged her to his car , made her sit on the passenger seat.

The whole ride was silent no words , nothing.
Jun brought her to his house made her sit on the dining table and went to the kitchen.

He came after 20 mins with a bowl of ramen .
Kept it infront of her .

Jun : now will u say something?... Huh?

No response

Jun : look at u y/n your whole fucking arm is covered in bandages .... Your face is completely swelled. And I know u have probably cried whole night. Y/n why are u still staying there huh? And leave this shit first tell me Am i someone to u??

( He started shouting).

Do u even trust me??

U could have called me , i can't even imagine that in what condition u could have gone to the hospital...

Stop killing urself!!

U know no matter how hard u try u won't die by your own will!!!!

Stop taking all this shit !!

* Sniff *


* Crying *

Y/n : y..yeonjun i..it h..hurts ... H..hurts.. so .bad..... I want to end this i wanna end everything... Why i have this curse with me that i can't die by my will... Please kill me yeonjun... Kill me..... Why did ...mumma and dada leave me alone... T..to r.rot here like this..

She started crying, the girl turned into her hybrid form , her white ears and tail was visible making her look like the most beautiful creature on this planet with her deep ocean blue eyes.

It was common, when hybrid will be in a sensitive condition she will turn into her real self but only infront of people she trusts.

Sometimes her real look will fascinate yeonjun also as it was so beautiful and eternal....

Yeonjun felt bad for yelling at her when she is already going through alot. He somehow managed to calm her down, he feed her , made her sleep.
She slept for almost 6 hours having a very peaceful sleep . When she woke up , she started panicking. It was already 8pm and she knew what was waiting for her .

Yeonjun dropped her infront of the house .
She entered the house with shacking legs.. and was met with Mr.lee glaring at her.

Lee: come here slut!.

Y/n went towards her slowly.
Lee held y/n's chin making her hiss in pain.




Hlo everyone 💚👀
Thank you so much for reading.
Thank you so much for 100 reads on just 7 parts 🥺༼⁠ ⁠つ⁠ ⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠ ⁠༽⁠つ
Poor y/n those 6 hours of sleep are gonna make her cry alot...


Happy Birthday jiminaahh...
God bless you so much baby mochi 🥺🥺ʕ⁠っ⁠•⁠ᴥ⁠•⁠ʔ⁠っ

 God bless you so much baby mochi 🥺🥺ʕ⁠っ⁠•⁠ᴥ⁠•⁠ʔ⁠っ

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See u in the next part!!

Mr. Stone Head / Kim Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now