22. Full moon (pt.3)

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She looked at him and saw him giggling which also made her to feel a little less worried about the situation...




Again she whimpers in pain... And the boy quickly pulls her into his embrace. Started rubbing her back soothing her ...
When he realises that she is now a little relaxed he pulled off , wiped her tears.

*Now will my baby tell me everything hm??..
He asked y/n while patting her back.

Y/n nodded.

*I..i..am..n..not..a..no..normal human...* She said being hesitant.

*I can see that baby but u have to tell me everything and there is no need to be afraid, i already told u am never leaving u " he said taking her small hands in his bigger ones.

" O.. oppa i am a w..wolf ...h.. hybrid..." She said looking down at her lap... " Dada was a true blood alpha and mumma was a human " she continued...

" B.but hybrids have their ears since birth, how did u get them now.... ? "He asked being confused...

" I had..t.. them too , since... .birth..bu..but. i can hide them . " She said being nervous again.

" ..w..What do mean by hiding.... " He asked being more puzzled...

Then she told him each and everything...
About being a rare female omega ... How and why she lost her parents.
About full moons ...
What grandma told her about... Herself..

" O..oppa i ..lost...t...them , they k... killed...m..mumma d..dada because of me... " She cried and he quickly hugged the girl massaging her shoulders and arms....

The boy was beyond shocked listening to what his baby sister has gone through, he couldn't process what could be the girl's mental health after seeing horror infront of her eyes. He couldn't even imagine his sister, who is a little and shy baby for him had this much hidden in her heart.
This made his eyes go glossy.

" Shhh.. it's ok , it's ok calm down, my baby is very very strong right..u did so well... " He covered the girl with her blanket still hugging her ..

" Baby does your uncle and aunt know about this..? "

"No..no...oppa . grandma s ...said ..n..no one is supposed to know about this...b.. because it can be dangerous... " She replied in a worried tone.

" It's ok , it's ok , I'll never say anything to anyone , i promise..." He said smiling at her...

"Come here"
He said making her lay down on the bed with her head on his lap , and she immediately hid her face in his stomach...

"Baby did u eat anything" he asked receiving a no...

He immediately went to the kitchen and got her something to eat , at first she wasn't able to eat anything but still he managed to make her eat 4, 5 bites of rice..

"O...oppa p.. please" she said while crying... pleading him not to eat as it only adds up in the pain.

He made her lay again like before and started massaging her arms , head and legs..

Mr. Stone Head / Kim Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now