25. Comfort

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Taehyung was coming back from office around 2am when he remembered what he did today with y/n...
He immediately felt bad and worried because he just left her there...

Today was not a good day for him again , Hyun-jae didn't answer his calls , his employee messed a presentation , he yelled and fired him...

They had to ask the client for one more chance and did all the stuff again....

Hyun-jae's different behaviour was also bothering him a lot . Taehyung was very disturbed and frustrated...

He came back home and saw nothing , he thought that she must have slept but little did he knew what the girl has gone through...




Since afternoon y/n is hiding under her blanket hugging the photo frame, sobbing in her hybrid form.... , She is just cursing at herself for being so so stupid that she just went with him without even thinking twice...

She doesn't even know how that man would have touched her while she was not conscious...
She keeps shacking because of fear , whenever she closes her eyes , she can see that bastard kissing her jaw... Her stomach is no good but that external pain is nothing infront of what pain she has in her heart....



Y/n woke up to smooching noises , she opened her eyes to see herself completely naked on Ha joon's bed , she looked around to see the same room...
She started screaming, but it was blocked by Ha joon shoving a cloth inside her mouth....

" Did u think, i was going to leave u this soon princess "

He said and started kissing her neck....




Y/n woke up screaming, she looked around to find  herself in her room , it was just a nightmare, she looked at the watch , it was only 40 mins since she slept...

And it was still 4:30 in the morning...

She cried as this going to haunt her for long ...



She sat on her bed and took her pink teddy bear hugging it closer to herself.....

" I..n.. need u jin oppa am very scared, please come back to me , i need u please..." (sobbing)



Jin...he was the only person who cared for y/n , he was like a mother , an elder brother, a father everything to y/n after her parents death..

He used to live next to min's residence, they were the richest in the society.. , one night he found 9 years old y/n sitting out in the garden of Min's residence crying and sobbing , her aunt threw her out because she didn't cook properly...

Jin took the girl home and comforted her , he took care of her  , feed her by his own hands lika a baby just like her mom used to , poor y/n started crying as she remembered her mumma , jin hugged the girl and asked her about what's wrong .

He immediately felt connected to the little girl ...

y/n felt safe with jin and the hybrid was looking for someone with whom she could share her pain and sorrow , so she found that person in jin .

Mr. Stone Head / Kim Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now