18. Fever

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She cried and cried until she fell asleep.

Around 3am all the boys already felt , taehyung was drunk and tired so he locked the main door and went upstairs and slept.....


Next morning..... 8am

Taehyung woke up around 8am , usually he gets ready first and then gets downstairs to eat the breakfast.
But today he woke up and went down as he was thirsty and he was going a little late to the office today.
He expected y/n in the kitchen cooking but there was nothing but pin drop silence in the house , he looked around a little but he didn't found her .

He started thinking


Did she already leave?


Without making my breakfast?

Isn't she afraid of getting beaten up?




I locked her outside yesterday...!!

As soon as he remembered locking her outside , he went to the back door. He wasn't expecting her to be still there because she would have left for somewhere else , like who is gonna stay outside the whole night....

But when he opened the door , he saw y/n sitting on the wet grass curling up into a little ball , her face was pale , Blue lips , she was in deep slumber..



He felt bad , like genuinely bad , he could have let her in when they left but stupid him just forgot about the girl.



The wind blew and y/n shivered in sleep. He realised how she had passed the whole night outside. He tried to wake y/n by shouting her name but she didn't woke up . He yelled on the top of his lungs making y/n wake up of sleep with a flinch.


She stood up stumbling because of her numb legs and immediately started apologising...

" S..s.sorry m..mr.kim.... s...sorry... "

Why is she apologising, when she didn't even do anything, he thought to himself....

" Get in and make my breakfast, fast am running late to office " he said in a cold tone.

She nodded and went inside behind him...

She got into her room and took a quick shower , she felt ill but ignored and started cooking. After getting done with the breakfast, she looked around the hall which was a complete disaster , beer cans everywhere , empty food parcels , empty snack packs , tissues. 

She covered the food with the lid and started picking up the trash......
After picking up the trash , she vaccumed the floor.

Taehyung stepped down and saw that the hall was almost cleaned which was looking like a trash Can minutes ago.
She saw him and went to the kitchen getting food for him. She gave him the food.

After eating the delicious food y/n gave him water , he had half and gave back to y/n but she suddenly felt dizzy and accidentally spilled it on the dining table , making taehyung furious.

Mr. Stone Head / Kim Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now