38. Cries

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Next morning 7am..

Y/n came back to Taehyung's appartment....
She saw him sleeping on the couch , she ignored him and walked inside the room slamming the door shut..

Taehyung jumped on his place , and looked at her room , she came back , which made him sigh in relief...

Y/n got out of the washroom crying , hiccuping , she looked at herself in the mirror and she looked terrible.

She wiped away her tears harshly , cleaning her face , trying to look good , she put on a white shirt, Black pants with her dada's black coat .

She looked at her hands and they were terribly, wounded , she saw it and said
" Mumma dada won't like it ".
she put on bandages on both of her hands roughly.

She put her phn and wallet in her pocket and walked out of the room to see taehyung standing there , waiting for her .
He waited for her for almost an hour.

Their eyes meet and taehyung's stomach twisted inside....
Y/n's eyes were red puffy , they looked hurt , they screamed that she is not ok , she needs someone.

She ignored him and went out back , before taehyung could say anything. Her eyes made him shut his mouth.




Y/n walked to a flower shop.. there was a pretty lady , she had beautiful features and a bright smile.

Y/n : excuse me .

Lady smiled brightly at her and asked..

Lady ; yes , how can I help u ?

Y/n : can i get pink roses..

Lady smiled and directed y/n inside , she saw a big vase with lots of pink roses .

Lady : how many do u want.

Y/n : all of them and please put them in a banquet...

She nodded and started making the banquet , while making , she asked

" For someone special? " She asked y/n smiling.

Y/n smiled and said
" Yeah my mumma."

The lady smiled and asked... 
" that's so cute , Is it her birthday? "

Y/n smiled sadly saying...
" She left me forever on this day"

The lady got serious , she understood what y/n was trying to say...
" Am really sorry , it must be hard for u and your dad ".

Y/n clutches at her statement..
" No its fine , he's too loyal to his wife , they left together , they loved each other.. "

The lady looked at y/n in disbelief like how y/n was smiling in her pain...

" Am really sorry"

Y/n : please don't say sorry..

Lady : if u don't mind can I ask , how old were u?

Y/n : i was 8 .

Lady : and how old are u know, u look 18.

Y/n smiled a little and said
" Am 22 "

The lady went to y/n and handed her the banquet..
She paid her....

Y/n was about to leave when the lady came to her and gave a single pink rose " this is for u " and hugged her.

Mr. Stone Head / Kim Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now