35. Truth

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Y/n went to uni wearing her black mask and with lots of visible and covered bandages around her body...

She entered the class earning lots of eyes , she was limping...

Yuna and mark asked her what has happened, to which  she replied that she got into a little accident .......

A lie...

Here on the other side yeonjun was confused as in the morning "Yuna told him that y/n asked about him every single day.."

" But he saw her husband in Manila, he thought y/n was with him too , but she came to uni everyday,"

This is making him doubt .

And now she was completely fine a day before yesterday, but today she is completely covered in bandages...

The exam went good , y/n was really happy with paper......

She was walking towards their hide out , today yeonjun kept looking at her , which made her think what was the reason....

Y/n was deep into her thoughts....
When she bumped into someone and fell on her knees , she cried in pain...

But then

She shivered in fear....

It's was him , that alpha....

Him : o..oh am sorry . Are u ok ? Do u need help...

He was about to touch her when she moved her arms away.....

This made him angry....

She was about to get up when she felt someone behind her , it was yeonjun , he helped her getting up...

Y/n was crying, not because of pain , but because of fear....

Yeonjun noticed y/n then that man who looked at her like he was going to eat her alive .

Him : hey are u ok am really sorry, does it hurts .

He was about to touch her again, when she backed away holding yeonjun's arm , yeonjun knew something was fishy , he stood infront of her and said .....

Yeonjun: it's ok sir , I'll take care of my bestfriend... Thank you so much...

He held y/n by her shoulders supporting her to walk....

"Bestfriend hmm, intersting, but u made me angry doll, that's not good for u , ur my property and u should know that...."

He glared at the duo.




They came out of the premises and Yeonjun took her to their hide out....
He made her sit on bench...

Y/n : t... thank you...

Jun : what's wrong? Why were u so scared of him , you were Shivering in fear!.

Y/n : i..it's ok u can go!

Jun ; u going to tell me or not !!

Y/n : why care Mr. Choi ?? She yelled...

Jun ; what's wrong with u?

Y/n : why do u even care? She yelled crying...

Yeonjun was sure nothing is ok...

Jun : ( he tried touching her hand y/n w..what happened?? Hm tell me ?

Mr. Stone Head / Kim Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now