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7 years later

" Next." The man in the red suit yelled, and we stepped forward, our IDs in hand, ready to hand them over to the bouncer.

I stood there in silence, watching him look at both of our IDs before swiping them at a machine. The screen turns green, and he hands me my ID, allowing me to take a step forward.

"Thank you," I murmured as I waited for my friend, who arrived moments later, both of us walking through the glass doors. A light breeze blew in our direction.

My dress rises with each step I take. Everything felt liberating. That's always been the vibe in Vegas.

There is soft background music playing while people converse and the room is filled with the aroma of beer, tobacco, and possibly even cigarettes.

Everyone was dressed elegantly, with men wearing suits and women wearing dresses and dress pants. As we walked side by side, towards the bar I felt confident. I felt warm and self-assured with her body next to me.

Vegas was an unforgettable experience. No worry in my head, nobody telling me what I can or cannot do.

I loved it.

My decision to move to Las Vegas was the best one I've ever made. Las Vegas was a big city that was sometimes too much for me to manage, but leaving behind my hometown and away from the places where problems were caused made me want to dream.

" So why are we at a casino again?" I turned to face her, and for a little moment, she pursed her crimson lips and looked at me. "Are we going to gamble, I mean?"

" No, we're here because we're going to find a rich man that will buy us Chanel bags," she snorts and I grinned.

"Sugar daddies? I admire your way of thinking. I need one."

"I also need a girlfriend," Andrea says. "Do you want to get a drink?"  I nod moving toward the bar. I felt her eagerness as she intertwined her arm with mine.

I stiffened and stopped walking. Andrea looked at me with big eyes leaping up as my heart raced. Her hands gradually withdrew, and I felt ashamed for being so vulnerable. No words were exchanged as Andrea continued walking, shrugging it off as if it didn't affect her, sitting down on the leather bar stools.

When we sat down, Andrea took a quick look at the menu that had been placed in front of us,
" I read this as if I don't know what I'm going to get."

I drummed my hands on the table while giggling. "Can I order a margarita?" I watched as Andrea ran a hand over her black dress, before looking up and at the bartender, tilting her head slightly, her smile widening.

The bartender returned Andrea's stare maintaining the same expression on her face, smiling down at Andrea, her eyes furrowing, and a deep dimple growing on her cheeks. " Make that two." After pausing, Andrea turns to face me with blue eyes.

" Should I open a tab?" The bartender looks between Andrea and me and I nodded reaching for my card.

"Thank you,"

" She's hot." Was the first thing Andrea blurted out when she left. I turned to look at the bartender, who had her back to us. She was wearing all black, her hair up in a ponytail, but even like that her hair reached her lower waist. She had curvy hips, was tall, and was undoubtedly attractive.

I muttered, "She is," and turned to face Andrea once more. "Are you going to try to get her phone number, or what?"

Andrea and I are cousins, been inseparable since birth. We've been through everything together; I was there for her first heartbreak, She was there when my mother passed away, and I was there when she first came out to me as a lesbian.

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