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It is a humorous thing.

As a daughter, you can say I loved her... But as a human being, I hated her. They say you shouldn't hate your mother because she gave you life, raised you, and was your mother.

Well, wrong and wrong. My mother was too evil for this world. She wasn't meant to be a mother or a parent. She was evil in the most heinous way.


My mother was secretly evil.

I was nothing my mother wanted me to be. I wasn't a heartless murderer like her or my family. I wanted to. I wanted to make my mother proud. I wanted to lead and blend in with the family.

I wasn't as strong as I thought. I lacked the courage to murder innocent people or to be a ruthless money-grubbing individual. I don't enjoy watching people suffer like my mother.

There was nothing except hatred in our relationship. My mother wanted our family to have the perfect image. My father was governor of Las Vegas, Illinois with two perfect kids. A perfect four-person family that quickly became three due to a murder mystery.

We were a loved family. Always doing good deeds, participating in charitable endeavors, celebrating at multibillion-dollar events, and presenting artwork in galleries.

Nobody knew what took place behind closed doors. Fights and killings took place when unforgivable deals would happen. Although we appeared perfect, we weren't. My mother shattered us.

I had no idea that there would be a day I would have to see my mother die. However, there I was at her funeral, witnessing strangers crying for a heartless woman.

Cried out for her to come back. Cried for an awful woman-even to her children. My father looked happy and relieved. He spoke to the guest while maintaining a smile on his face. All of this meant that my father would be in charge of everything. With my older brother lending a hand on the side. They made the best of partners.

I looked down at the closed casket while cocking my head to the side. Swallowing greedily. Flashbacks flow through my head.

Her screams.

The blood.

Her killer.

Even though I hated my mother, a tear flowed down my eye. After all, it was my fault she died.

I let my mom get killed.

" You don't look like you're supposed to be smoking." someone mused. I remained silent for a while exhaling a tiny cloud of smoke from the corner of my mouth.

His deep, gruff voice broke through when I stayed silent, "Light me up, angel."

I take a tiny turn and cast a quick peek his way as he turns to face the coffin. He was just a few inches taller than me, so I was able to light the other end of his cigarette. " Seems a bit hypocritical when you're smoking. You look just as young. " I mumbled, taking note of his sharp jawline and the way his cheeks huffed in as he sucked.

I eventually turned my head back to the crowd.

This time he laugh, blowing out a cloud of smoke. "I'm flattered you think I look young. " I smiled.

" How old are you?" I then asked softly.


" Seventeen," he murmured and I nod once. " How old are you?"

" Fifteen," I grumbled feeling goosebumps all over my skin and a brief of sadness following through my body. I can feel his eyes burning into my face before he spoke up again making me grow nervous fidgeting with the end of my black dress and my heels clicking against the wooden floor.

"Did you know Rose?" The question was so simple and innocent.

Did I know Rose?

Of course, I did.

Rose was my mother. She dressed me up in a big puffy dress with a headband that was bigger than my head, and pamper me with gifts and material things.

She gave me a miserable life.

" Yeah, something like that." I muttered, " Did you know Rose?"

" I did." Before I can finish my sentence, the cigarette is taken from my mouth and thrown on the ground while the man in the black suit steps on it to put it out.

"Hey-what the hell!" I fully turned to face him, catching his green gaze as it briefly lingered on my face before moving from my lips " Why did you do that?"

"Don't let that get you killed. You are young." I scowl as he swings his head in the direction of the cigarette.

He sounds like my mother.

" Fuck off. You're doing the same thing." He beams. The corner of his lips tugged up, a small dimple forming on his cheeks. " What the hell is wrong with you?"

I looked around as we attracted attention "Lower your voice. Not very professional, angel."

" Don't call me that, asshole." I shook my head as I cast a quick glimpse at my black shoes. "Take your own advice; I don't even know you." I walked away before he can say something.

How dare that man come here and just pull away the cigarette I'm smoking like we're friends or something.

"I'll see you soon!" He yelled as I walked away, picking up stares and whispering through the small room.

"Whatever you say, angel." I mocked him.

well, here goes nothing

Welcome back to those who've known me since summer '09 !!!

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