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"Twirl," and I do catching myself just before colliding with the dresser. Andrea and Gwen clapped their hands and jumped to their feet.

"Now shot." They handed me a long cup, and I grabbed it, tilting my head back and drowning in the tequila they wanted to drink pregame with.

It was Thursday night, and I had had a bad week, so the girls wanted to go out because tomorrow was my date with Kasen, and I needed to be in a good mood.

I was nervous about the date.

I'm glad I agreed because the day has so far been filled with laughs, shots, and getting ready together as if it were old times.

I needed all of this after everything that had happened to me.

" Perfect. I'm going to call an Uber now, are you ready?" Gwen inquired as Andrea and I drank another shot.

" Mhm!" Andrea hums and looks at me

Andrea was dressed in a pink sparkly dress that was short and finished above her thighs, with high heels and her hair clipped up. Gwen was dressed in a white silk dress that we all knew would be stained by the end of the night. The straps and side of the dress had rhinestones, and they fitted tightly around her curvy body.

" I'm ready" I smiled looking at myself one last time. Gwen and Andrea helped me in picking a black mini skirt, a black shirt top, high boots, and a leather jacket. My hair was done and curly, a bit puffy but it didn't look bad.

" Aren't you supposed to let the guardian angel know that you left your house?" I turned off the lights and shrugged.

"I don't care. I don't need security. " I scoff, "Talking about him just irritates me to no end. " I swallowed.

"Who is her guardian angel?" Gwen chuckles as she loops her arms around Andrea's and turns to face me.

"Casino dude"

" You still don't know his name?"

"No, not really; maybe he told me and I simply forgot. To be honest, I don't care what his name is." I think back to the last time I saw him, biting my lower lip. When his daughter was ill, he was at home. He was dressed in a black t-shirt, sweatpants that were long and low on his torso, and some tattoos poking out. As I think about what other tattoos he's hiding beneath all those clothes, fireworks erupt in my body.

"I've got to meet this casino boy. He sounds like a charm, and he's a dad. " Gwen cracks a smile. " He can be your sugar daddy!"

"No," I laughed as I stood on the opposite side of my friends, the room spinning a little, and I closed my eyes to training to gain strength.

"I'm drunk," Gwen says, I laughed and nodded after a beat of silence.

"Me too."

"You guys are weak." Andrea tuts. "We need to party,"

"It seems like we have a party every week. By the time we're thirty, our liver will be done," I grumbled.

"As well as your lungs." Andrea grinned, almost as if she knew exactly when I was going to smoke a cigarette.

"I'll be one surprised mother fucker if it kills me first."

"She has a point. And by the time we're thirty, you guys will probably be settled in," Andrea says. "I'd be traveling around the world with my future wife. This is why we are living our lives now. " As she stepped out of the elevator, she wiggled her brows.

"So you won't enjoy life with your wife?" I raised an eyebrow.

"No, I will. But it's different; it won't be with you or Gwen," she smiles.

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