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My alarm blared through the room, waking me. I groan, burying my face in the pillow. I'm almost in tears at the thought of waking up this early.

I reached forward to silence the alarm and lay in bed, dozing off into another sleep. Another alarm jolted me awake; my heartbeat raced for a few minutes, and I reached forward to turn it off.

"Become a doctor, they said." I rolled my eyes and kicked off the blanket. "You'll make a lot of money, they said." I picked up a bonnet that had fallen during my sleep with a scoff.


That's all I need to get this early, shitty morning started. My bed was comfortable, and everything around me felt right. It was cold, and I was sleepy.

Looking at the alarm, which caused the room to glow slightly, along with the bathroom light that I left on only made me angry. 5:00 am

The sun was almost out, and the tiles on my floor were freezing, I took slow steps to the bathroom, turned on the hot water, and went over to brush my teeth.

The room was full of steam as I finished brushing my teeth. Causing the mirror to fog up, now only the outline of my body is visible. I walked over to the shower and let the hot water run down my naked body, warming me up.

I took a deep breath and picked up the loofah, running it down my own body.

I finished everything and changed into my scrubs, putting my hair up in a bun, and stuffed pens down the pockets of my white lab coat.

With one last look at my bed, I made my way out, ready to make my first cup of coffee.

" Good morning, princess," I flinched at the sudden voice, turning and glaring at him as he stood near the couches.

"What the hell?" he smiles following me to the kitchen.

" Coffee?" I stare at the cup he hands me putting down the mug.

"How many sugars did you put in?" I questioned.

"None," he says, biting his lower lip. "Odd girl you are, " I scrunched up my face as his eyes ran down my body.

" Why are you here?"

"Are you ready to go to work?"

"You won't be driving me to work." I closed my eyes and sipped some of the coffee, which was quite tasty.

"Yes, I am." He places his cup down and stands a few feet away from me. "Do you want to start bickering at six in the morning?"


"Then you'll be a good girl and obey me." He remains there for a while, grinning and tilting his head to the side while his tongue runs across his lips.

It took me all this time to notice that, for once, he was dressed normally. It was difficult to avoid looking at his tattoos. He was wearing jeans and a black shirt that tightly encircled his frame.

His muscles flex when he gripped the countertop, and his tattoos only glistened in the light, "Ready to go?" I look up at him and into his eyes as he breaks me free from my train of thought.

He was amused, his green eyes gleaming, and he had a smirk that was too obvious. "I'm ready to leave." I take a deep breath.

"And why would you get up so early to take me? I would never, I would probably be sleeping until who knows when," he shakes his head.

"It's good to wake up early and get the day started well. What is in the bag?"

"Mhmm—my lunch and some snacks to keep me from fainting until I clock out. A twelve-hour shift isn't for the weak."

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