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I took off my work clothes and entered the shower to wash my tiredness away. At the hospital, the day was very long. Kids who cry nonstop and kids who are in pain wear me out.

The hot water streamed down my back, warming my once-cold body, even though it was late and I hadn't yet had my first meal of the day. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths because, like it does most days, my mind was racing.

Once I was done with my shower I changed into my pajamas and headed to the kitchen to grab some leftover tacos from the previous night. I sat on my couch with a warm plate on my legs and a controller in my other hand, looking for my show.

Zayn's words still hadn't left my head. I can't believe he kept this from me just so he could protect me. I feel so guilty. Like it was all my fault.

I knew it wasn't but that feeling didn't stop. Someone banging on the door has me jumping into place. I set the food down and prepared myself.

I already knew who was at the door, but what did he want?

I slid onto the couch, burying myself deep between the cushions, and closed my eyes as soon as I heard my name and the door open. "What do you want?" I abruptly stood up and looked over at him.

Harry took quick steps in my direction and looked enraged; his eyes were black and crimson. Harry entered the room with eyes that were glaring at me and a hollow, strained look.

"You don't even bother to listen, do you?" He shouts so loudly that I flinch. I stood there stunned.

"What?" Harry walks straight by me, and I instantly follow him into my hallway.

"What are you talking about? Have you lost your mind?" He opens the door to my bedroom and enters. " Harry!"

He turns away and glares down at me, his body hovering over mine. "Juliet, I'm so sick of you." I swallowed forcefully as my heart continued to beat rapidly.

"What did I do now?"

"You complain about all little things, but you never know how to fuckin listen, n'that shit's going to get you killed." He moved toward me while clenching his jaw, "Fuckin' killed."

He moves in the direction of my drawers and takes everything out of them. "Harry, what the fuck?" I approached him and tried to shove him, but he wasn't having any of it. "I don't know what the hell you're talking about."

"I asked you to do one thing, and you chose to ignore it in the hope that I wouldn't notice?" I watched as piles of clean clothes began to appear one by one on my floor. Harry takes a deep breath, turns abruptly, and looks at me. We were inches apart, his eyes staring at me.

"I don't understand what you're saying." I finally got out, and Harry let out a dry chuckle.

" Oh yeah?" I nodded, biting my lips nervously.

"Harry, what did I do now?"

"You never seem to comprehend what's going on." Then he's back to rummaging through every drawer and throwing items on the ground. "You're useless."

" Harry!" I yell even harder. "What are you talking about?" I was becoming furious as I noticed my room getting dirty. "Was it what I said to Zayn?"

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